~Kenny pov~

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'Bye Stan!' I called out to him as I walked down the path of his house. I couldn't stop smiling to myself ,even though I had to go ask one of my best friends for clothes, me and Butters would be going on a special date later today so I'd needed new clothes but, as usual, my parents spent all our money on alcohol. I sighed to myself and continued the walk back to my house. All I could think about what the surprise I had planned for him. First I would take him to Starks pond to watch the sunset and then we'd go to the cinema watch a movie together and go back to butters house. His parents still think we're just good friends so they will let us in I'm sure. As I approached my house my little sister ran over to me. 'Kenny!' She shouted at me as I picked her up from the ground. 'Hey princess' I replied placing her back on the floor as we walked back inside. Mum and dad were shouting at each other and throwing things. I rolled my eyes internally and we walked together into my room. 'What's in the bag Kenny?' Karen asked peering into the bad while I sat on the broken bed sighing. 'Oh just some new clothes my friend gave me, I'm going out with my boyf- I mean best friend later tonight.' I answered getting up to go through the clothes and pick out with one to wear. 'Okay! Where are you and you're friend going?' She asks. I smile at her ' we're going to starks pond then the cinema back to his house for the night.' I reply, here comes the question. 'How did you get enough money to pay for cinema tickets?' She questions tilting her head. 'Kyle helped me. Now you go play with those things I got you I need to get ready,' she immediately jumps up and turns to walk out. 'Say bye to me before you go.' She says walking out back into my parents screaming match. 'Will do!' I call out raising my voice so she could hear. I start to get ready and smile at myself. I hardly ever have my hood down so even I'm not used to seeing it. I begin to walk out my house and call goodbye to my sister. I walked to butters house. As I approached the door I felt my stomach grow with nerves. I've been on a lot of first dates so I don't really know why I'm that nervous. The door opened and butters stepped out of the door. I felt my face blush. 'H-hiya Ken,' butters says shyly, I could see he was also blushing. 'Hey buttercup.' I start. 'You ready to go?' He looks up at me smiling. ' sure but when are you gonna tell me where we're going?' He asks me as we walk down the pathway and towards the town. 'You'll see! It's a surprise.'  I say as we continue walking. I hold onto his hand as we approach the pond. We go into a shaded place under a large tree and watch as the blue sky blends into a chorus of pinks purples and oranges. Eventually the sky turns dark and butters takes his head of my shoulder. And I smile gently at him. ,Comon then we still got more places to go!' I stated standing up and holding my hand out to help him. He stood up keeping hold of my hand and walking closer to me so he could still rest his head on my shoulder. As we approached the cinema I watched butters eyes fall on me set with concern. 'Ken, how did you-' he starts but I just interrupt him 'don't worry about it, okay. And no I don't need you to pay me back.' I answer him as he looks down at the floor. 'Okay if you're sure.' He says gently walking in next to me.

~1 hour later~
Butters looked at me with tired eyes as we walked back to his house. 'I should of done all this a little earlier huh?' I say jokingly. He just nods his head letting it fall onto my shoulder as I wrap my arm around his waist. 'We're almost at you're house you can sleep there, but not in the middle of the side walk.' I laugh to my self as I continue walking as he hums in response. Once we get to his house his parents let us in and we immediately walk up to his room. I barley manage to close the door before butters was asking me to lay down next to him. 'I'm coming now I was just locking the door so you're parents don't come in.' I answer walking over to him smiling gently. I sit down and he pulls me down next to him. He lays his head once again in my shoulder as I pull him closer to me. I kiss his forehead as he falls asleep next to me. I place one hand around his back and the other in his soft blonde hair. ' I love you buttercup..' I whispered to him by falling asleep as well.

____________________________________Ik I said the next part would be style but I made this especially for my bestie  to say well done for doin' something next episode actually will be style they probably still won't get together yet though- or am I stalling it to long bc I don't know how to make them get together in a creative way- anyways I have a few ideas also sorry if there are any inconsistency with grammar or spelling I am British so yea I tried with the American grammar bc I do talk like I'm American anyways so sorry about that. Also yes sorry if this is a bit too much info I couldn't put it in the last one bc my ocd brain kept telling me to leave the story at exactly 1111 words
Have an amazing day/night/evening

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