~Craig pov~

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I rushed out of the school and round the back. Well that must have looked really bad. But oh well. Kyle was already stood leaning against the wall a red blush stretched across his face as he held tightly on to his phone. He looks nervous. Like really nervous. The closer I got I could tell he was shaking. 'Oh shit what happened to you?' I found myself letting worry consume my voice. He jumped at the sound of my voice. 'Oh nothing it's just urm I don't.. uhm.' He started stuttering over his words. I placed a hand on his shoulder and he flinched against my touch. 'Calm the fuck down. And tell me what you wanted to say.' I said back to him. I must sound horrible right now. 'I- fuck. I don't know what's wrong that's the problem!' He argued back. He looked as if he was trying to hold back tears. I just stared at him confused. How does he not know? 'Look I feel really weird around Stan. Like I'm always happy, I feel nervous around him. And we'll I keep finding myself thinking things about him that friends don't normally think. And well, coming from a Jewish family and that. I'm not exactly supposed to feel like that you know..?' He looked back down at the floor. I didn't know what to do. I know how to handle panic attacks but. I've only ever done it with tweek. This was the beardy ginger kid that used to hate me. I don't k so what to do. 'My dad didn't like it at first.' I mumbled. Maybe knowing that my parents didn't exactly except me at first might help? He just sat there against the wall crying. Standing there awkwardly I rubbed the back of my neck. After a while he stopped crying and stood up. 'I shouldn't have said that. Ignore I said anything!' He practically shouted at me. 'The fuck was that about..?' I muttered to myself as I watched the angry ginger boy storm round the corner. I shook my head and tried to comprehend what just happened. I can't. I grabbed my phone out my pocket and texted tweek.
Me:Tweek I got more info on style but idrk what happened???
Honey💛: okay but wdym you don't know?
Me: I'll tell you at my house.
Honey💛: okay on my way now Xxxx
Me: byeeee Xxx
I smiled to myself and headed to my house. Running the events over in my head. So, kyle likes Stan but he's in complete denial about it because his parents won't accept him because he's Jewish. And he wanted to tell me that. And now he's angry at me? The events swirled round my head till I could replete them word for word. I was pulled from the cycle when I heard tweek calling my name. 'Craig!' He shouted. 'Oh yeah come on then!' I said grabbing his hand and pulling the both of us up the stairs and into my room. Closing the door silently I went and joined tweek on my bed. 'So what happened?' Tweek asked looking at me smiling. 'Well yesterday Kyle texted me and said he wanted to tell me something after school round back.' Tweek cut off me 'is that why you were in such a rush? He did look kinda stressed today and yesterday.'
'Yeah, anyways so once I got round back he was stood there, shaking and looking like he was about to cry. Once I asked him if he was okay he said I thought he liked Stan and then that his parents won't accept him because he's Jewish. I didn't know what to do because I've only really felt with you being stressed before. So after a while he stops crying stands up and shouts at me that he shouldn't have said it and to forget he said anything.' Tweek looked at me confused as I finished the story. 'Wow... that's, a lot.' Tweek muttered under his breath. 'Well butters wasn't that complicated he straight up said he liked Kenny and said he doesn't mind me helping so yeah. But I feel like we're not gonna get to that point with Kyle anytime soon.' He muttered with a look of concentration. 'Stan will be easier, he's more likely to open up to me and not storm off like an asshole when someone was just trying to help. So I could probably get Stan to tell me if he liked Kyle.' I chimed in to his thought process. It's true Stan would be a lot easier to get to open up. I'll focus on him for now. Tweeks gonna focus on getting kenny to the same point as butters. Tweek chuckled to himself and turned to face me. 'Movie night?' He smiled. 'Yes! You go get popcorn and snacks I'll get stripe!'

I have no idea if the whole 'being gay is a sin for the Jewish' thing is real or not ive just seen a bunch of others do it so don't blame me! Anyways Ik I've already posted today but I'm in the mood to write more for whatever reason.
Have a great day/night/evening

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