~kenny pov~

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Sitting in class I fiddled around with the pens that sat scattered around on the desk. I couldn't help but feel bad for lying to butters and all of my friends, they must have missed me a lot to search the whole town like that. I sighed to myself as the loud rings filled my ears and and I threw my items into my bag and hurried out the room closely followed by butters, Kyle and Stan. Butters was holding on to my hands and walking next to me. He hadn't let go of me since he realised I wasn't missing. I had been dead the whole time but since I knew the others didn't believe me and butters would freak out so I didn't tell them. I sighed and took a deep breath. I just had to tell him, I couldn't hide it for ever. I would have to tell him sooner or later. I stoped as Stan and Kyle turned away and continued walking the other way. 'Huh, Ken are you okay-' butters says turning to me. 'Oh yeah fine I just need to tell you something come with me.' I whispered shyly as I dragged him around to the back of the school where me Kyle Stan and cartman had set the school on fire by smocking. 'S-so what did you wanna talk about Kenny?' Butters says politely smiling innocently at me. 'Look butters I erm. I.' I fiddled nervously with my hands as I managed to stutter out the words. I could feel my face flush red, I had asked out many people before, but this was somehow different. I swallowed. I can do this. 'I- I like you!' I blurted out rubbing at the back of my neck and watching as a red blush covered his face. 'Oh- Jesus kenny I- well I like you too.' He whispered. I heard the words and leaned down kissing him gently. We both pulled back and grabbed each others hands. Walking back around to go join up with the others. 'So we're officially dating now. Right?'

____________________________________AHAGGAGAHABBABABSHUEHSBAHAHHABABAVAGHABA BUNNYY AGGAHABAHAIAOLAMA. sorry abt that lol. Erm ya I made this so my bestie won't be bored tmmr and will hv smth to read so Yh Have an amazing day/night/evening

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