🎄✨Xmas special✨🎄(Stans pov)

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(Continues from last official part)
I looked over kyle's shoulder at his phone. He was looking at the group chat that consisted of me, kyle, Kenny, butters, tweek and Craig. We had all become really good friends after we all became couples. I later back pulling him with me and grabbing my phone and looking into the group chat myself. Kyle turned back to me putting his phone down and cuddling up next to me. 'Can you tell me what they want...?' He says quietly. I feel myself become worried as I run his back. 'Yeah but are you okay?' I ask my voice filled with concern. 'Yeah the phone light is making my head hurt.' He answers, 'okay I'll tell you, go back to sleep I'll wake you up in an hour or so okay?' I say softly and kiss him on the forehead. I feel him nod and he buries his head into me to block out the darkness. I turn back to look at my phone and scroll back up to the top of the messages.
Ken: guys what should we do for Xmas?
Blue: not to sound like cartman or anything but isn't Kyle like. Jewish
Butters: yeah?
Blue: they don't do Christmas.
Ken: eh we should still ask him I mean if we only do a party then he would come prob
Me: are you guys stupid he doesn't like party's and if u wanna do something for Xmas he  bc will probably do it just don't let his parents find out they'd be pissed.
Blue: ooh k well should we just go a sleepover or something?
Butters: sure my parents will let me go.
Me: same kyles parents will too.
Blue: Yh same w me and Tweek.
Ken: same but who's house.
Me: we can go to mine or probably kyles but it's an Xmas sleepover so that's prob not the best idea
Butters: yeah so we can do it at you'res Stan?
Me: yep.
Blue: okay, meet u in an hour?
Me: wait today????
Ken: yeah?
Me: find but u hv to be quiet kyles got a headache so I told him to sleep.
Butters: that's fine do you want us to come later?
Me: no he won't mind don't worry.
Ken: ok cya soon
Butters: see ya
Blue: bye
Me: bye
I sigh and turn to look at Kyle. I smile at him and slowly get up grabbing some pain killers incase he needs them and water for him from the bathroom. I walk back into my room and place them on the desk and go downstairs. I grab myself some food and eat it in the living room. I sit on the sofa watching a movie on the Tv when the door bell rings. I stand up and walk over to the door, opening it. 'Hi!' Butters says excitedly as Kenny walks in behind him. I smile at the two and we walk in and sit in the living room resuming them movie and watching the rest waiting for Craig and tweek. Me and Kenny were so distracted with the movie we didn't hear someone walking down the stairs. 'Oh hey Kyle how are you feeling?' Butters says looking behind the sofa to the stairs where a confused Kyle stood looking from Kenny and butters to me and the still open door. 'I'm fine but why are you guys here?' He says after a while and walks closer to us. I smile a relieved smile as he looks a lot better. Not as pale, though it was very difficult with Kyle as his skin was naturally very pale, Kenny then turned at looked at him. "His over sized cloths" where clearly to large and not his at all. I silently hoped Kenny wouldn't bring this up as I didn't know how comfortable he would be with people knowing about us yet. 'Oh we're here for a Christmas sleep over you don't need to do anything Christmas-y though. It's basically just a "normal sleepover." So don't worry.' Kenny laughs slightly at the normal sleep over but. Oh no what are they gonna do to him? Kyle looks slightly concerned at his and turns back to me. 'Okay, what are you guys watching?' He asks walking over to the sofa and leaning on it. I push my heads behind my head and lean back on them as I feel Kyle hold onto my hand. 'Home alone!' Butters responded excitedly as Kyle nods concentrating on every word that they say. I smile up and him and subtly gesture to the seat next to me. He walks round the couch and sits next to me. He sits next to me and we hear a door close. 'I get you guys are in here and all but Jesus crist don't leave the door open like that!' Craig calls out to us making Kyle and Kenny laugh. The other two walk in holding hands and join us on the couch. About half way through the movie the other 4 get up to but there stuff in my room. Once there gone I feel Kyle's head on my shoulder. His soft ginger curls brushing against my face as his brings his legs up to his chest. 'You alright ky?' I ask wrapping an arm around him. 'Yeah I'm fine I just like sitting like this that's all.' He replies smiling, 'you worry about me too much.' He says pushing himself up and kisses me on the check. I lean my head against his, 'i know I know I'm sorry,' I say as I come to the realisation that he feels very cold. 'Are you cold babe? Do you want my hoodie?' I ask him. 'Nope I'm alright.' He says gently. I hold onto his hand and twirl a pice of ginger hair round my finger. I hear a gasp behind us and turn to look a long with Kyle. Kenny, butters, tweek and Craig are stood there looking at us butters has an angry expression with his hand over kenny mouth while he has his phone in his hands pointing it directly at us. 'He's being recording you for like 10 minutes Craig says holding on to tweeks hand. I feel myself flush red along with Kyle who's hiding his face in his hands. I put my arm round his shoulder and kiss his forehead, 'yeah so we're dating now you guys can stop staring.' I say with a smirk as Kyle falls into me. He hurries his face into my chest and I can only assume he's embarrassed and flustered. I smile at him and place my hand in his hair once again forgetting the presence of my friends.

~later that night~
Im sat in my bad with Kyle on my lap while tweek, Craig, Kenny and butters sat on mattresses on the floor. Kyle turns and looks at me with soft tired eyes. 'What time he it.' He mutters looking at me. '1 am, you look tired you should go to bed kyle' Craig and Kenny say in unison. I look at them suspiciously and Kyle lays down pulling me next to him. The others turn off the light and lay down in their couples. Maybe there not up to anything. I hold tightly onto Kyle still unsure of if there going to do anything to him.

~in the morning~
I rub my eyes as I sit up to see Kenny and Craig smiling at me. Kyles not here, curled up next to me. Something is definitely not right Craig never smiles like that. 'What the hell did you do to him!' I ask furry filling my voice. The lion and me and exchange glances before Kenny specks up. 'Hey calm down he's fine but you should go open your early Christmas gift Stan.' The two smile at each other and I get up and step out my room cautiously stepping down the stairs followed by Craig and Kenny. The muffled screams followed by tweek laughing and butters telling someone to calm down. I can only assume there talking to Kyle, as I turn the corner I see Kyle sat on the floor. Something tiring his hands behind his back and Christmas adapting paper over his mouth as he looks at my amused face annoyed. I begin to laugh and walk over to him. I pull the paper away from him and untie his hands. 'Asshole,' he whispers under his breath. 'So do you like it?' Craig asks joining tweek. 'I love it.' I say picking him up in my arms and carrying him upstairs. I hear the others laugh but I don't care. I only just realised that they had put him in different clothes. He clearly looked uncomfortable so I grabbed him some of my clothes as he wrapped himself in the covers. I toss him the clothes and he changes quickly. I sit next to him and he snuggles next to me and I kiss him gently as we both lay back down. I pull out my phone and scroll through Tik tok as Kyle falls back asleep on me. Best gift ever.
____________________________________hope y'all enjoyed I will be starting a new story probably tomorrow, if not after Christmas I have an idea but no spoilers unless ur my bestie and u already know, I'm sure it will be just as weird and mainly style- I think- you'll see what I mean anyways hope you enjoyed this story and will enjoy the other  special parts coming up
Have the most amazing and wonderful Christmas I hope everyone gets everything they want and deserve always remember you are loved have an amazing Christmas and a wonderful day, night, afternoon.

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