~Butters Pov~

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Awakening I rubbed my eyes and sat up. My head hurt and I felt like I was going to cry. I turned to look over and Kenny was sat on my floor, no jacket, blonde hair falling in front of his blue eyes and pail skin. He was smiling at his phone and I felt my heart flutter. I looked around myself only to realise I was wearing his jacket. 'Morning, ya done starin'?' Kenny laughed as I realised I had been staring at him. Oh god how embarrassing. He came and sat next to me showing me his phone. 'Do you wanna go out n meet him or should we stay here?' He said turning to look at me. 'Uhm sure we can go meet him,' I said smiling. Kenny nodded and typed a response 'hey Butters?' Kenny asked.
'Yeah?' I answer
'Why were you crying last night?'
'Oh uhm I don't remember, sorry Ken.' I replied. I was crying last night? What happened I don't remember. I turned to him. He looked disappointed with my answer but didn't say anything else. Running a hand through his hair he smiled at me and said 'so, uhm can we have food?' Smiling nervously he stopped and looked at me. 'Huh? What's wrong Kenny?' I questioned looking at him. 'It's nothin' just thinking about something.' He answered though I could tell something wasn't right, I decided it to ask. We continued into the kitchen chatting happily as we sat down at the table and began to eat waffles and fruit. I looked at him carefully, I'd only ever seen him without his hood on a couple of times and I never usually payed any attention to the fact that he had a lot of scars. Everywhere. ' uhm kenny?' I whispered, curiosity over taking me. 'Yea?' He looked up at me the light complementing his eyes. 'How did you get all those... scars?' I asked. His mood immediately shifted as he looked back down and played with his hands nervously. 'You wouldn't believe me..' he whispered I could see his rubbing his eyes. 'Kenny how? I promise I'll believe you!' I looked back at him cautiously with a worried expression. 'I... I can't die. Like seriously. I can't die. I die like every day and no one ever remembers. Or believes me when I tell them... you probably don't even believe-' I cut him of by placing a hand over his mouth. I didn't know what to say but... I had this feeling that he wasn't lying. ' it... well it doesn't really... I don't know what to say Kenny... but. I guess I believe you.?' I finally said grabbing his hands in mine. He smiled gently at me. 'Oh shit we gotta go meet tweek now!' He exclaimed standing up pulling me with him. We exited the house and walked down the road to the coffee shop.

~2 hours later~
Me and tweek sat next to each other on the bank of a hill looking out over the town. 'Hey uhm... how do you uhm know if you like someone?' I asked out of no where. 'Huh? What do you mean by like someone?' He replied turning to look at me. I felt myself blush. 'What I mean is I think I like Kenny.' I muttered. I didn't think he'd heard me until I heard he excitedly say 'oh I can tell you do,'
'Oh uhm.... I guess is it that obvious?' I question.
'Nah I just know what I'm looking for. I managed to figure Craig out so anyone else is easy.' He laughed to himself as I slowly joined in with laughter. We turned to look at each other again. 'I'll help you if you want.' Tweek said almost excitedly. 'Sure but it's almost dark I'd best get home!' I quickly turned and stood up. A blush dusting my cheeks. Maybe I might get with Kenny after all. Or maybe we'll just be friends. I thought to myself. My head was so clouded that I hadn't quite noticed the bloody orange jacket laying on the floor outside my house.

The end wasn't meant to be creepy or weird- but basically if you hadn't figured it out butters saw Kenny die and then obviously forgot and then Kenny died again at the end. But how did Kenny die. Or did he die🤭? Anyways someone pls help me come up with plans as too how Craig and tweek will get them together. Or what you want to have happened to Kenny, bc it probably will have some significance. Have a wonderful day/night/afternoon


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