~Craigs pov~

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I knocked on Stan's door. part of this plan is that I would have to hand out with them as much as possible while tweek would go with butters and Kenny. And then we would somehow try to get them to date. I don't really believe that this will work but. It's worth a shot. I was pulled from my thoughts as Stan opened the door with a small smile. 'Hey, uhm come in I guess' he muttered looking back behind him. As I stepped in I guessed he was probably checking Kyle wasn't burning the house down with a match. Why the hell did he have a match? 'Erm why does he have a match?' I questioned looking over at the ginger that was currently throwing the match in the trash can and heading over to joint our conversation. 'Dunno, probably plotting how to kill cartman or something.' Stan joked while Kyle slapped him round the back of the head. What have I gotten myself into??? 'Anyways what now?' Kyle Asked awkwardly. We'd never really talked that much aside from when the sent to to Paru and that wasn't exactly the most pleasant experience. 'let's just like? Uhm go watch tv or something or we could go to an arcade or something?' Stan replied looking at Kyle. Kyle just shrugged and turned back to look at me. 'Eh don't mind lets go to the arcade I guess,' I said as they both turned back. The two of them agreed and we headed out.

~4 hours later~
'Bye!' Kyle and Stan shouted back to me as I headed into tweets house to tell him about what had happened today. They were having another sleepover. 'Hey honey!' I called up the stairs as he emerged out the darkness of him room. He reached out his hand and I grabbed it. We entered his room, I sat down on his bead and fell backwards. Tweek giggled and sat next to me placing a hand on my head. 'Tired?' He whispered smiling at me. I rolled onto my side so I was facing him, 'yeah..' I murmured back to him as he whipped my hair out my eyes. I sat up to face him and we both blushed slightly. 'So did anything happen?' He tilted his head looking at me. 'We'll not really Stan definitely likes Kyle I don't know if Kyle likes him back though.' I said running through the events of today trying to find any place where Kyle could have shown he liked Stan. 'Cool! I mean you kinda know how kenny is so he's pretty hard to read so I don't know how he feels but I'm pretty sure butters like kenny. I can find out pretty easily I mean he is quite naive.' Tweek said smiling at me. I nodded my head at him, and he probably realised I wasn't really listening. 'Okay we can go to sleep hon' tweek said laying down and pulling me down too. I smiled at him and shuffled closer. I smiled at him and pushed my head into the crook of his neck. He placed one hand in my hair and rubbed my back with the other. We both fell asleep after a while.

____________________________________ cute creek moment ahhhhh ❤️ uhm yeah I'll post bunny pov's either later or tmmr idk yet.
Hope you have a great day/night/evening

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