~Butters Pov~

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I felt my whole body stop. Me, Stan, Kyle, Craig and tweek had been searching for him all day. No sign of him anywhere. 'Erm guys I hate to say it but I think we have to go to cartmans house. Maybe he's seen him?' Craig suggests to the group and I hear Kyle groan behind us shortly followed by 'I fucking hate that fatass can I go look somewhere else!' I just turned to look at the ground. I couldn't speak out of fear of crying in front of all of them. All I could hear was a rigging in my ears and the hushed noises and Stan trying his best to convince kyle to stop being stubborn and just go with us. I felt cold and alone, it felt like even though I was there no one could see me. Then I felt a cold hand on my back and turned to look at whoever it was. Tweek stared back at me. One hand on my shoulder and the other squeezed Craig's. 'I'm sure he's fine, we all know what his parents are like he probably just left to get away from them.'he smiled sadly at me. I tried my best to return the smile but I just couldn't. I dreaded every moment of talking to cartman. Though I pretended I didn't. As we approached his house I tuned back into the conversations going on around me. Craig and tweek still walking next to me we're talking about all the reasons why they should have a sleepover again. Or something like that. Stan was holding kyles hand like a little kid while kyle looked incredible annoyed and he was blushing slightly either at Stan holding his hand or that he was acting like a toddler. Normally him being stubborn over going to cartmans was funny but I couldn't feel anything. I needed Kenny back. I didn't know how much he meant to me. Not until now. Eventually after the group of us stood around waiting, Craig stepped up to the door and knocked. I flinched at the sound and looked back at the floor, when I felt another arm around me. I turned to see Kyle stood by my side he glared at Stan who was stood next to him awkwardly. 'Urm I haven't really been in this situation before but if you erm need anything you can ask me..' Kyle muttered next to me. 'O-okay.' It was the first and only word I had spoken since I told Stan Kenny was missing yesterday. Craig stumbled backwards as cartman pushed him hard backwards 'god Craig just because you're ret@rd£d doesn't mean you can invade my personal space.' Cartman spat angrily at Craig. I felt Kyle's body tense in either worry or anger. 'Look cartman we just wanna know if you've seen Kenny he's gone missing okay.' Kyle stated firmly but calmly letting go of me and I turned to Stan he look relieved presumably because Kyle hadn't snapped at cartman. I turned back to the door after hearing cartman start to laugh. 'Oh my god that's the funniest thing I've ever heard. Look guys, Kenny's probably dead. But because he's poor no one will miss him. So just go home and forget about it.' And with that cartman turned and slammed to door. Kyle flinched at the sound of the door closing and turned in defeat. 'We'll search for him again after school.' Kyle says walking away from the house Stan following behind and Craig and tweek advancing down the rock stairs. I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces and scatter across the floor.

Everyone was stood together waiting for the school buss to take us to school. The others a were chatting happily while I just stayed silent. I looked up and felt my heart stop. A blurred figure was walking towards us. My eyes brimmed with tears and the others looks at me with a mixture of confusion and worry. The figure in the distance had slightly longer than normal blonde hair and wore a orange parka coat with the hood down. 'KENNY!!' I shouted pushing myself forwards and running towards him as the others parted to let me through. I wrapped my arms around him and push my head into his shoulder. 'Hey hey, what's up?' Kenny says with a calming voice as he runs my back and the other came to join us. ' we thought you were missing. Are you okay Kenny?' Kyle asks as Stan places a hand on his back. 'Oh my brother took me out of town to get away from my parents, but my phone was dead so I couldn't tell you guys sorry,' Kenny explains while I just tighten my grip on him and continue to cry. I looked up at Kenny and I could see it in his eyes. Why was he lying to us....?

____________________________________Kenny's fine y'all don't worry anyways- TYYYYSMMMMMMM FOR READING THIS STORY- I'm acc so shocked tho. Bc I only made this story bc me and my best friend were joking around in my room and there's like 13 parts anyways- next part will be bunny just for my best friend. Also Ik this is a lot but obvi there probably won't be an update on Christmas but the day before or after I will do a Christmas special. There also won't be an update on the 19th of dec as it's my birthday or 21st of dec cuz I'm having a birthday celebration. But anyways
Have a wonderful day/night/afternoon

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