~Stan's Pov~

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TW: vomit,
Bright lights struck my eyes as I opened them hesitantly, I rubbed my eyes as they adjusted to the bright morning light. Something felt different. Everything felt different. My whole body felt warm and I was so comfortable I didn't want to move. It was early December and the mountain air chilled my room, but everything felt warm somehow. It was then that I became aware of the heavy feeling on my chest. I looked down and. Oh. My. Fucking. God. Kyles messy head of ginger hair lied on my chest fast asleep. I'd had the biggest crush on Kyle for god knows how long after me and Wendy broke up. I blushed at him fast asleep and smiled. How did this even happen the last thing I remember we were watching The Exorcist and Kyle was sat there clinging on to my arms and leaning on me. I couldn't stop smiling and laughing at how scared he was. The sight of him warmed my heart and I didn't ever want this moment to end. He looked so peaceful but I would have to wake him up soon. Just 5 more minutes of heaven, I thought to myself as I lied back down and placed my hand on his head. My eyes fell heavy again and the warmth of his body against mine pulled me back asleep.

~3 hours later(10:00)~
I woke up feeling someone shacking me awake. Groaning to myself I sat my self up and looked at Kyle who was sat there staring up at me, emerald green eyes staring back into mine, ginger curls falling in front of his eyes, he wore my creased shirt and shorts as he had none of his clothes with him. I felt that feeling frowning in my stomach. Oh shit. 'Stan are you alright? You don't look so good?' Oh. Shit. He stared at me confused and concerned as he lied a hand on my shoulder. O. H. S. H. I. T. I jumped up and ran to the bathroom, making him jump slightly. The second I got into the bathroom I immediately began to throw up. Why the hell do I have to do this! I thought to my self. Kyle warily opened the door and crouched next to me placing a hand on my back and rubbing gently. 'You okay?' He questioned standing me up and grabbing a cup of water to was out my mouth. 'Yeah I'm fine now don't worry about me ky,' I said standing up with him and we both walked out the bathroom and back into my room and sat on the bed. He still looked worried but slightly more relaxed. 'Do you want to eat or not?' He asked. How does he not understand, he saw me do this god knows how many times with Wendy. I answered and we went downstairs. I perched myself on the kitchen counter while Kyle took out pancake mix and began to make up breakfast while I sat and watched Tik toks on my phone occasionally turning it to show Kyle random funny videos. He smiles and hands me a plate with food on and I hop down and sit at the table and begin to eat as he joins me with his own food. 'So whatcha wanna do?' I question as Kyle looks up from his phone and smiles at me. ' Hm I don't know video games movies and another sleepover?' He had a hopeful glare in his eyes. How could I say no to him when he's practically giving me the puppy eyes! I smile at him 'sure.' I watch as his eyes light up and he grabs me and drags me into the living room and connects the video game controllers. After 2 hours of playing, I got a message and placed the controller back down. Kyle tried peeking over my shoulder to read but I hid it incase it was important. My eyes narrowed, Craig? Why is Craig texting me. I clicked onto the messages.
Blue bitch: hey marsh
me: What do you want Tucker?
blue bitch: can I hang out with you and Kyle?
Me: why? What happened to tweek? Can't you hang with ur boyfriend?
Blue bitch: he's going with Kenny and butters and Ngl I prefer u two
Me: eh okay meet at my house after lunch
Blue bitch: okay
I shrugged and turned back to Kyle who was looking at his own phone with a frown. 'Craigs coming over after lunch.' I stated, I know Kyle doesn't like craig so god knows how he will react. He turned to me with a glare and muttered 'why I don't like him!' I smiled and shuffled closer to him, he doesn't wanna hang with Kenny, butters and tweek so I said he can come here. We turned the PS  off and started to watch the Halloween series together. I know it's almost Christmas and everyone makes fun of Kyle for being Jewish but I would feel bad making him watch Christmas movies so I just let him pick. Eventually lunch comes me and Kyle eat sandwiches and other things and there's a knock on the door. Great this will hopefully not go terribly.

____________________________________ahhhhhhhhh I'm literally gonna scream and kick my legs in the sit I love style! Also I know I already uploaded a part today and that but I feel bad bc I didn't yesterday. I finally wrote a long(ish) chapter yayyyy anyway should I do Bunny (butters and Kenny) pov next or Craig?
Hv a wonderful day/night/afternoon

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