~Butters pov~

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As I approached his door I felt nerves swell in my stomach, am I really gonna ask someone for help on how to ask my best friend out??? Oh god this is so embarrassing. Before I could recoil back down the path and run back to my house the door swing open and a incredibly tired looking Craig answered rubbing his eyes. 'Hello?' He looked confused, holding eye contact I slowly began my sentence. 'Oh uhm im sorry did I urm interrupt something? Anyways is tweek in I erm need to talk to him.' I fiddled nervously with my hands, as a blush spread across Craig's face. 'No you didn't but he's sleeping right now so. You can come in for a bit if you want.' Craig muttered. I guess he still isn't really good at this whole social thing. He moved his hands gesturing me to enter so I did. I stepped into the living room behind Craig as he crossed back over to the sofa where tweek was currently curled up with Craigs Guinea pig stripe in between him. Craig sat back down next to tweek lifting his messy blonde hair out his eyes. He looked back at me while I was just stood awkwardly. 'Sorry he'll probably wake up soon urm you can sit down if you want.' Craig mumbles to me kicking the empty candy packets and soda bottles that littered the normally spike brawn carpets. 'Oh it's fine and sure.' I replied. Sitting down on one of the sofas and pulling out my phone and looking at one of the notifications. But one caught my eye more than the many others of Eric spamming my phone calling me gay and various other insults. It was one from Kenny.
Ken🧡 added you to cartmans and hate group
What the heck. What's Cartmans hate group. I looked at the contenders if the group it's mainly Kenny Kyle and Stan talking shit about cartman and occasionally making plans to go and hang out. After a while of awkward silence between me and Craig Tweek finally sat up rubbing his eyes. 'Craig.... What the hell are you doing! You woke me up.' Tweek said pouting at his boyfriend seemingly to have not noticed I was here. Craig just looked at him and pointed at me. 'He's here to see you hon.' Craig answered smiling at me. I smiled shyly at him as he turned to face me. 'Oh sorry Craig, stay here I'll be back in a minute okay?' Tweek said kissing Craig on the forehead and turning to walk out with me. Craig just nodded at him and went back to playing with stripe on the sofa. As we stepped out of hearing range of Craig tweek stopped and looked me 'so what's up?' He asked gently. I looked at the floor and blushed. 'Well. Urm could you maybe help me. Erm, c-confess to Kenny some time..' I looked up to him and he had a kind of exited look in his eyes. 'Of corse I can help you, so when you gonna do it? You know what. How about we go back in there And sit down Craig has his own things to worry about so he probably won't be paying any attention to us anyways!' Tweek turned and walked back into the living room. We walked in as I looked at the floors in embarrassment. Craig glanced up at us both. And tweek leaned his arms on the back of the sofa as I sat down and looked at them both. 'Soo,' tweek began and Craig looked up at him. 'Butters wants help confessing to Kenny.' The two of them exchanged glances like they knew this would happen. Grinning Craig jumped up and whispered something to tweek. 'Okay okay, don't worry me and Craig know exactly what we're doing.' Tweek said exchanging more unidentified glances with Craig. I feel like I should be slightly worried.

____________________________________hhehehehhehehhehehehehehehhehe creek and bunny. I love themmmm also- what do y'all thing tweek and Craig's plan is- anyways
Have a great day/night/evening

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