~kyles pov~

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After trying in at least 6 different outfit and hair combinations, I grabbed my hat and and placed it on top of my curly ginger hair. My phone pinged and I picked it up and stared at the message. Why was I so disappointed? It was a text from Kenny asking for money because we were going out. I replied to his message as I grabbed my bag and spare money for Kenny and rushed out the door. Approaching the buss stop where we usually met for school I could already hear cartman complaining about being hungry. I really want to slap him already. I groaned internally and walked up to them. 'Hey Kyle.' Stan and Kenny spoke in unison while cartman just glared. What did I do this time? 'Oh great the Jew's here' cartman remarked and looked back at his phone. I went and stood next to the pole and made small conversation with Stan. What the hell is going on. Why do I feel so, happy. I'm literally stood next to cartman, I'm never happy near him. eventually Butters showed up and we all walking in pairs into the town, cartman trailing behind us.

~couple hours later~
As the sun set in the sky and it became darker, me and Stan headed to his house. I was tired and his house was closer, his parents were out so I could stay the night. Carefully unlocking the door and stepping inside being cautious to not wake his sister we crept up the stairs and into Stan's room. 'What do you wanna do then?' I turned to him and he looked slightly nervous. I ignored it and choked it up to him not liking being alone with his sister. 'Uhm why don't we just watch a movie?' I suggested sitting myself on his bed. 'Sounds good, I'll go get snacks you pick out a movie?' He said tossing me his TV remote. 'Okay.' I replied turning on his TV and scrolling through Netflix for a movie to watch. Stan returned with the snacks and placed them in between us. Once we finished the snacks he placed them on the table and we unconsciously shuffled closer together. After a couple hours of watching random horror movies and me and Stan laughing at each other being scared. After a while I felt a weight on my shoulder and turned to see Stan fast asleep with his head resting on my shoulder. I smiled softly at him and shuffled him so he was in a more comfortable position, and eventually fell asleep as well.
Hehehe style, anyways hope you enjoyed this random story, I have no idea where this story is going but oh well. Also TYSM to my best friend for giving me the ideas for this part.
Have a great day/night/afternoon

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