~Craig pov~

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Me, Tweek, Stan and Kyle were stood next to the lockers, me and tweek holding hands and listening carefully to whatever the other to were complaining about. Probably that Kenny and butters were taking to long. 'Hey guys!' Kenny called out to us. The group of us turned to face them and I was sure that Tweek must have noticed it too as I felt him grip my hand tighter and mutter to himself 'oh my god did we actually help them..' Kenny was leading butters down the hallways holding onto his hand tightly as butter walked awkwardly behind him. Both there faces were red however Kenny looked a mixture of exited and relieved as butters looked embarrassed and relieved. I smiled at tweek and he returned the look as the two joined us as Kyle started ranting at Kenny for taking to long. Smiling I leaned down and whispered 'there definitely dating now' Tweek looked up at me, his blue eyes sparkling 'yeah they are!' He answered excitedly. I smiled at him and kissed him lightly, I could hear Kenny and butters gasping followed by Kenny only doing what I assumed to be taking a picture of us. I pulled back, leaving Tweek and flustered stuttering mess as I pulled him into me. Feather staring Kenny i said sternly 'delete that picture.' I watched Kenny look disappointed and do what I thought was delete the picture. He actually just sent it to a group chat. 'Hey butters? Can me and Craig talk to you for a minute?' Tweek finally spoke up. 'Oh yeah sure! Ken let go of my hand.' Butters laughed and Kenny let go of his hand embarrassed. The three of us then left to go talk. Why am I going as well I don't even know what's happening! I thought to myself as we stopped in a secluded area of the school. 'So what's wrong?' Butters asks. 'Okay me and Craig noticed you and Kenny are acting different did you guys start dating?' Tweek asks excitedly. Oh so that's what this was about. Butters looks down and the floor. 'Oh erm well you see. Yes we are dating now.' Butters says awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. 'Cool, so that's only one stupid ginger we have to turn gay now.' I mutter under my breath as butters looks up confused and tweek starts laughing. 'Oh my god Craig. Don't be so rude! Anyways Urm butters me and Craig kinda made this weird plan to get you and Kenny and Stan and Kyle together.' Tweek carefully explains to the confused butters. He just nods and smiles at us. I turn and smile innocently at tweek. 'We got together in a much more cute way but yeah.' I jokingly said once again confusing butters. 'It was not!' He argues back. 'How did you two get together? I mean one day you two hated each other the next you were best friends.' Butters asks.

~flash back to the night they started dating~
I sat down in my room the tv blaring with muted noise as I stared at the contact number Clyde had given me in-between Bebe ,his girlfriend, shouting about what different shoes she wanted. He'd given me the number of that kid in my class I didn't like. Well I don't really like anyone in my class. After about ten minutes of contemplating I added his number to my phone. I should probably apologise for being "such an asshole without reason." Tolkiens words not mine. I rolled my eyes and sent a message to the messy blonde haired boy.
Me: hi, this is probably a bit random but it's craig that kid in ur class that's a asshole.
Tweek: what do you want! And did you just call you're self an asshole?
Me: yeah I did I was told I should apologise to you for being an asshole
Tweek: erm okay I guess I'll try to forgive you?
Me: okay so can we meet up somewhere
Tweek: right now?!?
Me: yeah!
Tweek: I- okay sure.
Me: okay
I smiled at my pet Guinea pig and grabbed my jacket running down my stairs and out the door. I ran all the way to his parents coffee shop and burst inside startling the blonde boy that was waiting. 'Wow that w-was quick.' He whispered taking a sip of his coffee. I grabbed his hand and we wandered out the coffee shop and around the town. Talking awkwardly about random things. We somehow ended up on a hiss looking out at the town underneath a large oak tree. We had grabbed a drink and some fries from max Donald's and we sat there for hours eating and watching movies on our phones. The moonlight shon onto our faces as we laughed together. Why did I feel so comfortable with him. We literally hated each other yesterday and now. I feel so weird. 'Craig are.. you okay?' He asked me. I turned to him  and smiled I saw his face change from surprise to something else he looked glad. This was probably the first time he ever saw me show any emotion other than my usual monotone look and voice. We smiled at each other and something changed. I felt my face blush and we both leaned closer. I grabbed his hand and he grabbed mines and we kissed each other. I guess now we're just two kids sat under a tree with the moonlight eating macdonalds. We pulled back and few into fits of laughing and smiling. 'So are we like a couple.' I asked him after we finished laughing. 'I guess we are,' Tweek said embarrassed. I held onto his hand As we walked back home.

~present day~
'Yeah that's how it happened.' I explained and tweek held onto my arm. Butters smiled. 'Aww that's cute can I tell Kenny about the Stan and Kyle thing I'm sure he'll help!' Butters says as we all walk back to the group. 'Yeah sure.' Tweek answers him as we all join back into the conversation. Tweek lied his head on my shoulder as I twisted my arm around his waist holding him up while as he fell asleep on my shoulder. Schools gonna be over soon anyways I might as well just let him sleep. I stared at the others. Kyle was looking at the floor and Stan keeps glancing at Kyle and blushing. They definitely like each other I just need to get them to admit it.

Creek yayayyayayayayayay anyways next chapter will be style hope ur enjoying this story guys
Have a wonderful day/night/evening

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