~kenny's pov~

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My eyes snapped open and I sat bolt upright. My breathing evened, wait. This isn't my room? It was then that the soft cries became apparent. I looked down to my side to see Butters laid on the floor curled up crying in his sleep. I felt my heart shatter at the sight. Why is he crying? I thought to myself as I slipped out of the bed and picked him up effortlessly. 'Fuck he's so light' I whispered to myself as I laid him down gently and wrapped the covers around him. Glancing down at my hands the transparent tinge to them barley noticeable in the darkness of the room. Still regenerating I guess. How did I die this time. I don't even remember anything. I sat myself down on butters fluffy grey carpet and scrolled through my phone. A message appeared at the top of the screen.
Ky: *Aren't*
Fatass: fuck off jew
Stan:omg stop fighting ffs
Fatass: ffs??
me:for fucks sake
Fatass: oh finally Kenny's here
Did you have fun at the food bank
Ky: where acc were you tho Kenny?
fatass: acctualy thogh
Ky: actually though
Fatass: go away Bitch
Me: I'm at Butters' house
Ky: ooooh k
Fatass: oi human grammarly
Me: oh- guys he means Kyle
Ky: omg I will come to ur house.
Fatass: ew no thanks
I tuned out of the messages after a while, seriously debating removing cartman from that group chat and adding butters instead. It's not like the others would be mad. No one really wants cartman there anyways, he would just cry and pester us till' we added him back even though he doesn't even want to b win the group. About her message popped up top of my screen and I clicked on it. This time it wasn't Kyle and cartman spamming weird insults in the chat while Stan just presumably sits there and watches.
Twitchy: Hello Kenny
Me: heyyy whatsup twitchy?
Twitchy: can I hang out with you and butters tomorrow again?
Me: he's still sleeping but I can ask him when he wakes up if ya want?
Twitchy: okay thanks
Me: why tho are you sure you and craig r fine?
Twitchy: yea of course we're fine it's just he's gonna hang out with Kyle and Stan again and well. that's too much chaos and stress you and butters are calmer.
Me: oh ye ok it's fine uhm me and him will meet ya at the coffee shop?
Twitchy: okay. Cya
Me: byeeeeee
I looked over to butters who shuffled slightly in his sleep. I would wake him nuts it's only 5am- why and how is cartman awake at 5am- whatever. I groaned and looked over at him. And back to my phone. Kyle was sat there correcting all of cartman many spelling errors throughout the argument. Presumably just to piss cartman off. My phone fell to the floor as I felt myself fall asleep.

IM SO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING AN UPDATE FOR 2 DAYS IM SORRYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!! Uhm I literally had no motivation on Tuesday and yesterday my best friend was at my house so Yh. And I bloody hate skl. So Yh. If y'all want to come up with ideas at how Craig and tweek should try and get them together bc I don't rlly know and that's probably gonna start happening in the next couple chapters and that. So Yh hope ur enjoying
Have a wonderful day/night/evening

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