~Kyles Pov~

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I sat in my room rubbing at my temples while Kenny and tweek sat in the floor next to me. 'I just don't know what to do!' I exclaim. I feel my heart beat rise as I already know the answer that's heading my way. 'You gotta confess to him Kyle, if he doesn't do if first.' Kenny replies leaning back on his hands while I glare daggers at him tweek just looks between us two. 'I think Kenny's right and you know-' 'yeah I'm right you can try to deny it but I'm right.' Kenny's says gently laying a hand on mine. I just sigh and turn myself away from them. I knew deep down inside I had to, even if it was just to get it out. 'I'll do it' I mutter. 'Great!' Tweek and Kenny exclaimed. They both stood up. 'It's now or never ask him to go out or something.' Kenny's says smiling while looking at his phone. I roll my eyes and pull out my phone. I can feel my hands start to shake. 'I got this' I whisper to myself, the other two were both texting someone. Probably Craig and Butters.
Me: hey Stan
SBF❤️: hey! U alr
Me: yep but I'm bored can we go out or smth?
SBF❤️: yeah sure where should we meet?
Me: I'll set of and walk to urs meet along the way?
SBF❤️: got it cya
I smiled uncontrollably at my phone and the two blondes that had since put there phone away exchanged glances like they already knew something. 'So?' Kenny's asked leaning against my wall. 'I need to go meet him now!' I say jumping up and stuffing a bunch of stuff into my bag such as; money, snacks and drinks. Before grabbing my phone off the desk. I hurried out my room and down the stairs the other two walking behind me. Tossing them there coats I opened the door and a rush of icy cold air rushed inside corrupting the warm walls of the house. We all stepped out and exchanged goodbyes as Kenny and tweek walked towards Craig's house I turned the other way and practically ran down the street to meet Stan. I had never been this exited. I thought I would be nervous! Eventually I stopped running as I reached his house. I stood outside for a minute or two waiting for him. I heard the door open and Stan call out a goodbye to his mother. I looked up at the sky, the warm yellows and oranges melting away as the dark blue sky took over. I felt myself smile hearing his voice. 'Hey Kyle, what you doing?' He asked standing next to me. I snapped my head round to look at him and felt myself blush. 'Oh nothing I was just waiting for you.' I reply turning to look at him. I smirked to myself looking at him. Them red and blue hat he always wore, beige coat and blue jeans. 'What?' He asked looking confused. 'Oh nothing~' I state walking closer to him and grabbing the hat of his head. 'Marshmallow!' I shout back at him as I turn and sprit down the road. 'Hey!' He shouts back and runs after me. I know he'll end up catching me, so I run round a corner and hide behind a wall of an old building to catch my breath. 'Kyle where'd you go?' I heard Stan call out. Once saw him standing there, he looked concerned and confused. I smiled to myself ,once again biting my tongue to hold in laughter, awh he cares about me. I jump out from behind the building starting Stan as he steps backwards. 'Haha scared ya!' I chant walking back over to him and placing the hat on his head. 'There you go since I'm soooo nice you can have it back.' I say jokingly as he stands up straight looking down at me. 'Your only nice to me sometimes, there's basically no hope for anyone else, wait. Why did you call me marshmallow?' He ask's confused. He really doesn't get it. 'Oh my god you dumbass.' I say annoyed. 'Marsh. Mallow.' He just looks at me confused. I roll my eyes in response. 'Oh my god you are actually stupid.' I groan with annoyance 'yeah I am that's why I needed chat gpt to talk to Wendy.' He whispers. Why is he talking about her right now. I shrug off the comment and continue to glare at him. 'Stanley Marshmallow.' I say laughing. I watch his face change as he finally understands. 'Ohhhh that makes more sense' he says as we continue to walk. As we reach the pond me and Stan sit on a bench and stare out over the water. The ice freezing and spreading the water. The lamp eliminates the the park and stars light up in the sky. I turn to look at him. He's smiling lightly and looking out over the lake. His eyes look focused and hypnotised. I feel a rush of confidence flow through me, it's now it never I have to do it now. I take a deep breath and feel his attention be drawn to me and away from the pond. 'You okay dude?' He asks gently turning to look at me. 'Oh yeah I'm fine it's just I uhm....' I start. I didn't know what to say, a million things rushed through my head. 'It's okay take you're time.' He says softly placing his hand on mine. My heart bead quickens. 'I think I.... Might have a erm...' I hold onto my own hands and look down. He placed his hand onto my face and he turns me to look up at him. I feel a blush spread across my face. 'It's okay, you can tell me don't be nervous.' He says. 'I- I. I love you stan!' I blurt put. He looks shocked as he removes his hands from my face and stares at me. I look down at my hands as I felt myself start shaking. He definitely hates me now. 'Uhm... Kyle I-' he starts before I interrupt him. 'No no it's okay it's fine everything's fine it doesn't matter I know you probably still like Wendy I should have never told you, it doesn't matter it's fine I should just go-. I felt someone grab my hand and pull my back towards them. Stan held my hand in his while he held my face up looking at him with the other. I felt him sigh before he kissed me. I looped my arms around his neck as we pulled back for air. 'Stan-' I whisperer before he cuts me off kissing me gently. We both pulled back. 'If I still liked her I wouldn't have just kissed you would I?' He says pulling me into a hug. I just stayed silent and leaned closer into him. 'U-uhm so are we like... dating now or?' I ask after a while of comfortable silence. 'Only if you want to.' Stan replies. 'I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to stupid.'
'Of course'
We laughed lightly at each other and walk back towards Stans house. We were both blushing and holding hands, all I could feel was excitement and relief. I guess I had been in complete denial about this whole having a crush on Stan thing. Eventually we got to his house and stepped inside. We immediately collapsed onto the sofa and fell asleep next to each other.

~Next day~
I woke up to the the feeling of someone's hand in my hair and a warm feeling coursing through me. I looked up to see Stan sleeping. One arm twisted around my waist holding me closer to him and the other in my hair. ' god damn it stan it took me forever to get my hair looking good last night, now you're messing it up.' I mutter under my breath as u reach for my phone trying not to move to much so as not to wake up Stan. He already doesn't get much sleep so the more he can get the better. I smiled and turned the volume down placing my hand over his and scrolling through instagram. Different peoples story's filled my screen. Butters and Kenny had a movie night, tweek and Craig had a sleepover, cartman sat on his sofa all night and ate sweets. I looked up to see a message on the top of my screen.
I rolled my eyes knowing what was happening.
Heids: hey can you tell cartman to leave me alone!
Me: Yh but can't you do it?
Heids: I did! I told him to fuck off and get out my house.
Me: he was in ur house!?
Heids: just the garden.
Me: oh k
I'll tell him.
Heids: thanks
Me: np
I clicked off Heidi's contact and onto Cartmans. I'm to tired to do this right now, I'm still a little scared of dealing with him after that school trip. Of course he just tells me to fuck off and mind my own business. I just sigh and turn myself into Stan and push my head into stans neck. After what felt like hours Stan eventually woke up. 'Morning.' I say sitting up and shearling stans eyes from the harshly bright morning light. 'Morning...' he says sleepily, rubbing his eyes. I turn away and he immediately senses that something is wrong. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer so I'm sat in between his legs. 'What's wrong this time,' he asked placing a hand in my hair. 'Nothing, just cartman being an asshole.' I answer leaning back into him. 'Oh ignore just ignore him okay.' He whispers ruffling my hair as I turn and look at him with an annoyed expression. 'Leave my hair alone marshmallow.' I say with a smirk. 'Carrot.' He says smirking. 'Ew,' we both start laughing and he kisses my cheek. 'If he says anything to you tell me and don't worry about it okay.' He says softly. I smile at him 'okay.' I reply. I look back at my phone to see a message from the group chat. Stan looks over my shoulder at my phone.

____________________________________This is the last main chapter of the story the next ones will be specials as I mentioned in the last update. But yeah thank you so much for everyone who has been reading, enjoying and supporting this story. I will be doing another one, it will probably focus mainly on style because why not. Also there is one thing I need to mention, this story was good and I was relatively good with updates as it was all 3 main ships I love. But if there was a story that mainly focuses on style for example and I'm hyper fixated on style I would be good and motivated but if I moved on to creek I would have no motivation and updates would be small if any. Right now I'm on style and we'll obviously South Park in general but yeah that's it, I also have no ideas for what to do for my next story, any ideas or anything would be greatly appreciated. Also I am not that knowledgeable on Jewish traditions or anything like that, so im just gonna make Kyle participate in the Xmas special but only some stuff. Once again thank you all so so so much for support and reads, and with that have a wonderful day/night/afternoon❤️

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