~Tweeks pov~

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[creeks movie night special 🥹]
I wandered out of the kitchen to see Craig sat on the couch petting stripe. I placed the snacks on the table in front of us and smiled at him. 'You picked out a movie?' I asked him bending down to pet the Guinea pig. 'Yep now come sit!' Craig exclaimed excitedly as I sat on the couch next to him. As the movie started he twisted his arm around my neck pulling me more into him and he placed his hand in my hair. I giggled at him faintly and we sat in silence watching the different movies me and Craig had picked out. We had watched those movies so much that we practically memorised the whole scripts. I felt my eyes become heavy as I reached out for the coffee that sat on the table next to the snacks. I felt Craig smile at me and he then kissed my fire head lightly. 'Babe if you're tired just sleep it's fine we can pause the movie.' He asked gently.
'No it's fine I'm alright.' I smiled back at him as we continued to watch the movie. After a while of us laughing at each other. I began to feel tired again. I lied my head on Craig's shoulder and thought to my self. 'I love him so much I'm so glad I met him...' that was the last thing I thought before a peaceful sleep was casted upon the both of us

____________________________________ cute wholesome creek moment ❤️ hope y'all liked this and a special thanks to my amazing bestie Anna1Loading
Have a wonderful day/night/evening

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