Happy Birthday NCH!!!

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Me: yo sis!

NCH: yess...

Me: Me and Japan got you something!!!

NCH: That is?

Me: you have to open the box!!

NCH:*Opens box then nose bleeds*
I-i...thanks guys!!!

Japan: hope you rike it kera-san

NCH: Are you kidding me?! I love it!!!

America: Here's my present!

Italy: Me too Bella!

Germany: I got jou somezhing too.

Prussia: Where's the birthday girl! I got here the awsome present ever!

Me: Okayy okayy, all the present go over there on the table.

NCH: thanks guys i really appreciated! Hey Ivan where's my present?

Russia: Here are yours *gives sunflowers*

NCH: Awww thanks Ivan!

Me: Awwwww! Francis i better get flowers and stuff for my birthday!

France: ohonhonhon! You know i will*wiggles eyebrows*

Me: Ohh staphhp it!

Me:EVERYONE ON 3!! 1! 2! 3!

Everybody: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!

Happy birthday NCH, I love you with all my heart, if u wasn't here i don't know what i would do, could be depressed or maybe nvm but anyways happy birthday!\(°₩°)/

Hetalia Derpness ヽ(^。^)丿Where stories live. Discover now