A hero

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"Run!!! Don't look back, just run!" Admin yelled as she was transforming into a wherecat. "I'm not leaving you! I don't care if you kill me or eat me or turn me, I'm not leaving you!" Francis yelled "Francis, come on!! We have to leave now!" Authur screamed while pulling on Francis arm. Admin hair started to change and her clothes started ripping. "GO! BEFORE ITS TO LATE!!" admin voice changed so did her eyes.

Francis and Arthur took off into the woods hoping to find a safe place to hide. They kept running until another wherecat appeared in front of them. "Oh my god! Run!" Arthur yelled.They took off running and the werecat started chasing them. Francis tripped on a branch and fell, Arthur stopped to help him up but the werecat caught up to them. "Where're done for!" The werecat was about to launch at them when another werecat jumped in front of them. "Brie?" Francis whispered. The other wrerecat hissed while Brie growled. The werecat launched at Brie and Brie launched at the other. The two werecats started to fight and the werecat scratched Brie on the face on her eye like Scar from the lion king. "Come on Brie, kick its ass!!
Authur was cheering on and Francis had his fingers crossed that Brie wins.

Brie grabbed the other werecat by the neck and started biting it. The other werecat kicked Brie and then started beating her up. "Oh no, this doesn't look good." Francis said in a panic.
Brie tried to get up but was to weak and the other werecat kicked Brie in the face causing her to pass out. "BRIE!!"
"We have to go Francis!" They both got up and started to run as fast as they can and the werecat started chasing them.They ran and ran until Francis stopped. "Authur, go with out me! Save yourself!" "What are you talking about, stop playing around and come on! Authur yelled."Just go!" "I'm not leaving you!" The werecat charged at them until Brie football tackled it. 'BRIE!" They both shouted. Brie started biting and clawing at the werecat. Francis looked for a weapon to kill the werecat and he found a old rusty pipe and stabbed the werecat through the chest. The werecat howled in agony and fell to the ground.

The sun was rising and Brie fainted. Authur and Francis ran towards her. "What's happening?!" Francis shouted while holding on to Brie. "Look shes transforming back to normal"! Brie claws and hair started changing and etc. Brie groaned and slowly opened her eyes."H-hey". "Hey amour, how you feeling?"
"Well sore and colds and naked" Authur handed over his long jacket towards me. "Here, take it" he said. "Thanks Iggy" "I'll carry you on my back" Francis said. They started walking back to the house until Brie spoke up. "The curse is broken finally". "What curse?" "In order for me to break the curse, another werecat has to be killed. I've been cursed since I was in middle school" "Well thank god your free and you should rest". "Thank you guys". And with that the three walked into a nice house and they all took a nice nap.


Ah, this is a lil something I wrote, I was bored so here ya go!

Hetalia Derpness ヽ(^。^)丿Where stories live. Discover now