Turkey Day!

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France*hangs on my leg* Pleease dont go!

Me: I'll be back sweetie, its just for 3 days. And please let go of my leg!

France: Noo! Im not letting you go!

England: Frog, just let her go, he ride is on their way!

France: I dont care!

Me*sighs*France you got 3 seconds to get off me.

NCH: Bruhh i think you should like move away. I mean its scorpio season if you know what i mean.

Germany:*sighs, holding the bridge of his nose* Russia can you help me fet him off her?

Russia: Sure!

France: Okay im up!

Me: I'll be back before you know it, I promise.

France: You promise?

Me: yes i promise. And when I do come back *whispers in his ear*

France:*blushes hard*

Me: Okay?

France: Okay!

NCH: I dont even want to know what you told him.

Me: Business, mind your business*smirks*

NCH: You just as nasty as him!

Me: I know you aint talking! Remember that time you told me what you want to do to "Ra Ra Rasputin, Russia's greatest love machine"

Russia: Ooh my, sunflower!

NCH: shhhh!!!!! Dont tell everybody!

Me: Anyways my ride is here! Bye guys!

Everyone: Byee!! Be safe!!

~~~2 days later~~~

Me*walk through the door* Guys Im home!!!!

Everyone*come running towards the door*

France: Amoureux!!!

Italy: Admin is back!!

NCH: Whats crackin cuz!

Me: Everyone i got something to show yall*opens jacket and my stomach looks like im 6 months pregnant*



NCH*still smiling*

Others*wide eyes*

Me: Chill out guys its just food!

NCH: Phew! I thought i was an aunt for a minute!

Me: You would love that would'nt you?

NCH: Yeeahhhhhh!

Hetalia Derpness ヽ(^。^)丿Where stories live. Discover now