Prank the prankster

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Prussia: I zhink we should prank admin!

Spain: How?

France: I'm not in this, you know how she is.

Prussia: Aww don't be such a wuss puss!

Spain: Come on! It will be fun!

France: Non! I'm not doing it!

Prussia: Fine! We'll just do it our selves then.

France: Good luck.*leaves*

Prussia: Okay, admin loves horror movies specially the based off of true events too.

Spain: okay so we dress up as a killer?

Prussia: Yepp! Tonight she's watching Sinister, that's not a true event but its scary though!

Spain: So we dress up like Mr boogyman!

Prussia: Yupp! And make it seem like were going to kill her! When she reach her breaking point, we'll surprise her!

Spain: Sounds like a plan!


Me: That was a creepy movie, but I liked it!*picks up cup then drinks soda* kind of bitter*looks at it and see's green glowing stuff just like the movie* OMFG! No no no no!!! This can't be real! I'm getting super sleepy,*falls on the couch and passes out*

Prussia: Okay she's out! Let the show begin!

Spain: Tie her up on the chair and put water around her and then when she wakes up, I'll be one of the kids they have a electronic cord and pretend to put it the water and you dressed like Mr boogy, since your super tall.

Prussia: Alright!

Me: *wakes up tied to a chair surrounded in water* What hell?! *looks to see a kid holding a cord walking near the water*
Please don't kill me! I didn't do anything wrong! Please! Someone help me!

Spain: *gets closer to the water, then slowly put the cord towards the water*

Prussia: *walking towards me*

Me:*heart beating so fast, feel like I'm going to pass out* Please! Don't ki-*heavy breathing* I-I can't breath! *wheezing and coughing*

Spain: *stops what he's doing looking concerned* Umm is this supposed to happen?

Prussia: I- I don't know! Hey admin its us!

Spain: Untie her! Hurry!

Me*coughing hysterically, wheezing*

Prussia: Admin hold on! Breathe!

Me* falls off chair, and stop breathing*

Spain: Oh No!

Prussia: Admin! Wake up! No no no no!

Spain&Prussia: ADMIN!!!

*Lights go out*

Prussia: What the?

Spain: Prussia, what's going on?

Prussia: I-I don't know!
*lights come back on*

Prussia: Where's admin???

Spain: she was right there!!!

*lights start flickering*

Me:*making the grudge noise*

Prussia: Spain, stop making that sound!

Spain: I'm not doing this!

Spain & Prussia*sees the grudge girl crawling towards them dragging a person, a dummy version on me*

Prussia: Ahhhhhh!!

Spain: Let's get out of here!

Prussia:The door won't open!!

Me*gets closer, calls Prussia's name* Why? Why? Did you do it?

Prussia: I'm sorry I killed admin! I didn't mean too! It was only a prank!!

Spain: Someone help us!!!

*lights go out*

Prussia: Spain? Spain? Where are you?

*lights come back on and Spain on the floor dead*

Prussia: Spain!!! Oh god help me!!!!

Me*grabs Prussia by the waist and shoulders* Time to go.

Prussia: NOOOO!!! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!!

Me: GOTCHA!!!*starts laughing*

Prussia: Huh? What?

Me: The pranks on you!

Spain: We got you good!

Prussia: How? But you weren't breathing!

Me: Its called acting, and I knew you were going to prank me too.

Spain: sorry I had too, she threatened me.

Prussia: how did you know?

France: Ohonhonhon!*wraps arm around my waist* I told her!

NCH*comes out of a dark corner* and I recorded the whooole thing!

Me: never try and prank me, unless you want to get pranked. Lesson learned

Hetalia Derpness ヽ(^。^)丿Where stories live. Discover now