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Me:Have you guys seen Alfred?

England: I think he's outside, he's been a little down lately.

NCH: No shit Sherlock's, dyh he's been down because its... Well you know 9/11.

England: Hey! I know that jeezz, admin you should go cheer him up.

Me*goes outside and sit on the swing by Alfred* Hey Merica, how you feeling?

America: I'm feeling alright, its just that sometimes I feel like its my fault for this happening I mean I'm clumsy and all but this, this just horrible, you know how many people lost their lives and the pain and suffering I caused loved ones.

Me:*grabs America* Don't you dare blame yourself, you hear me?! Its not your fault things like that happens all over the world and yes its tragic but it happens. I'm upset about it, when I look at the memorial thing on TV I still cry like a baby*teary eyed* I sometimes think about what if I had a friend or family member that worked there or was going somewhere for a trip, but I thank God they wasn't there became I don't know what I would do.

America:*hugs me*Don't cry because if you cry, I'll cry*hugs tighter*

Me: Yeah, how about we go mess with Iggybrows?!

America: Yeah!

NCH: You knoew he's going to kill you both right?

Me:Uhh yeah!shhh don't Wake him up.Ready ?

America: Ready!

Me*puts shaving cream England's eyebrows,then shave them off*

America*draws a dick towards England mouth*

Me:Ohohoho this is to good!

Hetalia Derpness ヽ(^。^)丿Where stories live. Discover now