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"Mama, can I play outside?" Asked Keithara as she pulled her mother's dress.

Keithara looks out the window as she stares at the kids running around in the park. They were smiling and laughing, having the best time of their life. The feeling of being left out slowly creeps up to her. She wants to join the crowd.

She took a glance around her house. The once decorated with high-end products and furniture are now left with a stack of boxes and suitcases. Her mother was standing a few feet away from her. One hand was on her hip and the other was holding onto her phone as she talked to someone on the line.

Her mother simply waves her hand and Keithara takes the signal as an acknowledgement for her to go to the playground. With happy feet, she ran out of the door and made her way to the playground, just a couple of feet away from her house. Though she was only seven years old, she got the feeling that today would be the last time she's visiting the playground.

Keithara runs around the playground as she raises her hands high. She played with the swing, and see-saw before she climbed up the ladder to the castle and slid down the playground slide. She stood in front of the slide, getting ready to slide down. At the count of three, she squealed her way down the slide. She laughs in excitement.

She was so engrossed with the slide that she didn't notice someone was standing in front of the slide. Keithara hits him with her leg, causing him to topple and fall onto the ground.

"Ahh!" Hissed the boy.

Keithara giggles. "Oops, sorry."

"Eh, budak kecil! Be careful next time!" He warned.

She nodded.

The longer she stares at the boy in front of her, she becomes interested in him. His hair was neatly combed to the side. He was wearing a white t-shirt with wash jeans and a pair of black vans shoes. His eyebrows were perfectly shaped and his eyes...

Out of everything, his eyes stood out the most. Keithara was completely mesmerised by him.

"Don't you know it's rude to stare?" He narrowed his eyes at her.

She smiled. "What is your name?"

He rolled his eyes at her. "Does it matter?"

Keithara nodded. "You're handsome. I like you. When I grow up, I want to marry you."

"Nonsense." He said as he shook his head.

He was about to walk away when she grabbed his hand, pulling him to a stop.

"Don't go away. I want to play with you."

"I don't play with little girls." He sneered.

"Uhh, play with me." She whined.

He shakes his head and forcefully removes her hands from his arm before walking away. He then joined a group of boys who were standing just a couple of feet away from them. Keithara stares at him from a distance.

As one of the boys starts to count, everyone rushes off to find a good hiding spot. He runs towards a nearby bench and hides behind it. Throughout the whole time, Keithara had her eyes on him.

In the end, he was the winner. A young girl came up towards him and gave him a hug. A pang of jealousy hits her when all he did was smile at her. When she placed a soft kiss on his cheek, that was Keithara's last straw. She marches her way towards the duo and pushes the girl away from him. She stumbles and falls to the ground.

"What are you doing?" He shrieked.

"She kiss you!" Glared Keithara.


"And I don't like it." Said Keithara.

"I don't care. I don't even know who you are. You shouldn't be doing that to another person, little girl. That's mean."

"What she did hurts me too!"

He simply shakes his head and sighs.

With a heavy heart, Keithara lowers her gaze and walks away from the crowd. She was so lost in her own world that she didn't realise that she was a step away from crossing the road. Ongoing vehicles were speeding down the street. In a flash, he was right beside her and pulled her towards him.

"Are you crazy? Tak tengok ke mana nak jalan? Nak mati awal ke?" He shouted.

"Kalau saya mati sekali pun, bukan masalah awak. Dah sana!" She pull her hands away from him.

"Kei, it's time to go!" Shouted her mother.

He smirked.

"Where are you going?" He asked, out of curiosity.

"Far, far away."

"How are you going to marry me if you're going far away?"

"My mama said if two people are meant to be together, they will end up finding each other in this big world."

"Am I going to see you again?"

Keithara shrugged her shoulders. "In god's will."

"Aren't you too young to know all of this?"

She narrowed her eyes at him. "Whatever. I'm still mad at you."

He broke into a fit of laughter. She was fascinating. When he saw Keithara running around the playground earlier on, he was attracted by the sound of her laughter. The way she laughed brought warmth into his heart. He couldn't take his eyes off her.

When she finally notices him, he acts all tough. He pushes her away when she approaches him. He has never seen her around before but the need to protect and be there for her consumes him. He's too young to understand the feelings he has for her.

Keithara twirls her hand on her fingers. She was lost in her own thoughts to realise that he was staring at her. A smile crept up her face when he saw her dimples appear on her cheek.

"Kei! We're gonna miss the flight." Shouted her mother across the street.

"I have to go now." She whispered. Reluctantly, he nodded.

"What's your name, little girl?" He asked.

"Keithara." She extended her hands towards him. He pulled out his hands from his pocket and shook her hand.


'Till we meet again, little girl.'


Hello AWB fans! Another fanfic for another year! If you like it, do forget to show your support by vote, comment and share! 

Happy New Year, bubs! <3

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