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Keithara wakes up the next morning with her phone blaring by her side. She groans, refusing to wake up from her beautiful sleep. Her hand ran through the side of the bed, trying to find her phone. After a couple of minutes of searching, she tries to stop her alarm clock but to no avail.

"Apa sia?" Screamed Keithara in frustration.

She then realizes that it wasn't her alarm clock but instead, someone was calling her. Keithara grunts before looking at the caller ID and answering the phone.

"Arielle ..." She whined.

"Kau baru bangun?"

"You woke me up."

"I'm sorry but you have to see this."

Arielle sent her a link through the messaging app. She clicks the link with her eyes half closed. The link leads her to an article. Early morning reads weren't her forte. Her eyes suddenly widen when she reads the headline.

The Royal Scandal

Keithara quickly got up from her bed. She sits up and reads the article on her phone. With every word she reads, her emotions change from shock to anger to sadness. The entire article was talking about Wakeel and Eryna. The ultimate royal scandal. The media managed to dig up photos of Wakeel, Eryna, and Keithara in the past when they were in high school.

They manipulated the whole situation in a way that Wakeel was cheating on Keithara with Eryna. A video was attached to the article and she pressed the play button, tears immediately welled up in her eyes. The video contains two individuals, Wakeel and Eryna sharing a bed together and they weren't wearing any clothes. It doesn't take a genius to understand the heinous act they have done.

This time around, he has gone way too far. She doesn't know what kind of games he's playing this time round but enough is enough. That was her last straw. Committing a sin with another woman wasn't something that she could accept.

"Kei? You there?"

Hearing Arielle's voice, she burst into tears.

Arielle instantly became panicked. "Kei! Kei!"

"Janganlah nangis. Maybe jodoh kau dengan dia tak panjang."

"Time and time again Elle, dia tipu aku! Dia cakap dia nak aku sorang je. Dia cakap dia sayang aku sorang. Tapi, apa ni semua? Kalau betul apa orang write dekat dalam article tu, means dia cheat dekat aku bila masa kita masih together? Ya allah! Beratnya ujian aku kali ini." Cried Keithara.

"Babe, calm down, okay?"

"Dia main perasan aku, Elle. Aku penat. Sumpah penat! Mana-mana aku ada, mesti dia ada! Aku benci dia, Elle!"

"Aku nak hilangkan diri aku Elle so tak ada satu orang pun boleh cari aku lagi."


"How about your career and school?"

"I'm not as important as you are. I'll choose you over anyone else."

"Even if it's between me and Muntaqim?"

"I'll still choose you. Dia kalau betul-betul kenal I, dia akan tahu and respect my decision. Let's go, Kei. Let's disappear from this cruel world. Just the two of us."

"Okay." Agreed Keithara.


Nadia decided to spend some time alone at the museum. Her daughter is in the state whereas her husband has an overseas work trip. She was all alone at home. When her home became a little bit too quiet and lonely for her, she planned to explore the world outside of her house. She has always been fascinated by arts and making a trip to the museum seems like a perfect place for her thoughts to run free.

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