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Exams were just around the corner. Keithara busied herself in the library. She spends most of her time behind books, math formulas and memorising history. Day and night, that was her routine. After four hours of study sessions, she finally closed her laptop. Keithara stood up from her seat and stretched her arms. She groans as the tense muscles start to kick in.

Keithara leaves her seat and takes a walk around the library. She didn't take long, just a couple of minutes. By the time she got back to her seat, she found her bag charm on her table. A smile formed on her lips. She has been trying to find her bag charm for months but to no avail. Keithara assumed that she had last seen it at her cousin's wedding and when she asked her cousin about it, they didn't find her bag charm as she described. At that moment, she felt that she had lost it forever. She was thrilled. Her bag charm was a gift from her best friend back in the United States. It was a parting gift for her.

She looks around the library to find the person who left her bag charm on her table. Her eyes scan through the library before her eyes settle on someone familiar. She spotted Wakeel standing a few feet away from her. He was leaning against a bookshelf.

"It's you." Mouthed Keithara as she holds her bag charm in front of her.

Wakeel shrugged. He made his way towards her and took a seat opposite her.

"You're the one that put my bag charm here. All along you had it." Said Keithara.

"I was just reading a book." Replied Wakeel as he showed her the book that he was reading.

She chuckles.

"You gotta be a genius or something because that book that you're holding is upside down."

He smiled and raised his hands. "You got me."

Keithara stares at him. Something suddenly clicked.

"You! You were the one that I met at my cousin's wedding." She gasped.

Wakeel nodded. "You finally remember me now."

"Yeah. I remember that moment but I still don't understand why would you call me 'little girl'." She scrunched her eyebrows.

"Since you are so curious, I'll be rude if I don't help a lady in distress." He chuckles.

"You proposed to me when you were about seven years old? You were so jealous when you saw another girl kiss me on my cheeks." He explained.

Keithara widens her eyes. She was shocked by what she heard. Right at that moment, all of her memories came flashing back.

"Th-th-thank y-you." She stuttered before packing her bag pack and running away.

Wakeel chuckles and shakes his head.


After dinner, Keithara hangs around in her room. She tried to go through today's materials for school but it seemed as though she couldn't focus. Her mind brings back to the event that happened in the afternoon. She buried her face in the pillow.

"No! I didn't proposed to him! Tak mungkin!" Said Keithara.

"Or maybe it did happen. Argh! What were you thinking, K?" She groaned.

She suddenly sits up. "Then again, I was just a child. I didn't know what I was doing. It was an innocent gesture. Tak kan sampai sekarang dia fikir aku masih nak kahwin dengan dia." She shrugged.

"Tak mungkin. Tak mungkin. Ni semua permainan minda je." She shakes her head.

"Tapi, kalau betul? Argh! Abdul Wakeel!"

"Exams are just around the corner and he's occupying my mind! Ini tak boleh jadi! I need to stay away from him." She said.

For the next few days, Keithara avoided him. Every time she saw him in the hallways or the cafeteria, she would immediately turn and walk away. Arielle noticed her weird behaviour and asked her about it.

"Lately ni, aku tengok kau asyik avoid si dia je."

Keithara looks at her. "Huh? Mana ada." She pretends.

"Ye la kau! Sebelum keluar class sempat intai hallway tengok ada kelibat dia ke tidak. Kalau nampak dia terus kau tak jadi nak keluar class. Lepas tu, bila kita tengah berbual sama-sama dekat sekolah, tetiba kau hilang dari sebelah aku. Bila aku tengok depan, aku nampak Wakeel. Sekejap kali dia ada je, kau tak ada. What is going on?"

Keithara runs her fingers through her hair.

"I don't know." She sighed.

"He's been occupying my mind lately and exams are just around the corner. I cannot afford to lose my focus just because of some boy."

Arielle burst into a fit of laughter.

"What did he ever do to make you fall for him this much?"

"He didn't do anything and I didn't fall for him."

"What then?"

"It was what he said." She murmured.

"What did he say?"

"I have actually met him before when I was a kid. Somehow, I proposed to him. Asking him to marry me." She blurted out.

Arielle gasps.

"Wei! Kau agak-agak lah! Kecil-kecil dah pandai ajak orang kahwin bagai."

"Serious! That was what actually happened. At first, I didn't believe every word he said but then old memories started to dawn on me."

"Kalau jodoh, tak ke mana." Shrugged Arielle.


Wakeel walks along the classroom corridors. He had excused himself from class to visit the washroom. He was aimlessly walking when suddenly he found himself walking towards Keithara's classroom. He peeks inside her classroom through the corridor window. She was so focused on the whiteboard that she vigorously wrote her notes down on her iPad.

He missed her. Her smile, her laugh, her voice. He barely sees her around the school though he knows that Keithara attends school every day. He checks out her favourite spot to hang out and every time he's there, she is nowhere to be seen. At one point, something hits him. Keithara was avoiding him purposely.

The school bell rang indicating that school hours were over. Everyone packs their bag as they get ready to leave the school. Keithara shoved her books into her bag as she was in a hurry. She have an after school class at a centre near to her house. She have to leave as soon as possible if she wants to get there on time.

Keithara walked along the busy hallway that was swarmed with students of various levels. She squeezes through the crowd to get to the door. She turns to the corner when suddenly a hand wraps around her arm and pulls her towards a nearby empty classroom. The culprit pushes her against the wall and places their hand on her mouth, preventing her from screaming or making any sort of noise.

As her eyes meet his brown eyes, Keithara stops fighting against him. She froze.

"Why are you hiding away from me, little girl?"


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