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It has been months since Wakeel has last seen Keithara. He has been trying to find her, call her, leave a couple of text messages and even go to her house but still, he has yet to see her. Her parents had moved out of their current house and moved somewhere else. When he asked Arielle, she gave him a confused look. Everyone at school was last seen at the senior prom night. Since that day, no one has ever seen Keithara. It was as if she had disappeared from the face of the earth.

Wakeel was frustrated. He hits all of the dead ends. Life without Keithara is pointless. He remembers the prom night vividly as if it just happened yesterday. The look on her face was enough to drive him insane. He wanted to run towards her and hug her and explain everything but he couldn't. Wakeel just stood there in his spot and stared at her while another woman wrapped her hands around his arms. It was distasteful for him. Keithara looked like she was about to into tears. He was his best friend mumbling something and her face changed into pure hatred. She pulled her arm away from him before storming off, leaving the party.

"Ingat apa yang mak you pesan, Abdul Wakeel. Kalau you tak nak hidup dia sensara, baik you ingat apa mak you cakap." Warned Eryna.

Wakeel gritted his teeth.

There was a reason as to why Rifqa invited Eryna to their house. It wasn't just a house call or finding out more about Eryna's university or her life. His mother had a plan of her own when she invited her over to their house. Rifqa acted on her impulse. She saw how her husband reacted around Keithara's family, specifically her mother. She didn't want her son to be close to their daughter. Rifqa refuses to let history repeat itself.

"Seriously, how low can you be?" Wakeel looks at her.

Eryna rolled her eyes.

"You know I don't like you. I never have any feelings towards you other than her. She's the only one that I have ever wanted. You tak ada maruah ke?"

"You jangan biadap, Wakeel! I diam-diam tak semestinya you boleh pijak kepala I. Watch yourself before I destroy her." Said Eryna before she stride away.

Wakeel let out a breath. He remembered his mother's threat clearly. She was ready to destroy Keithara's life and her mother's if he didn't listen to her. When asked why, Rifqa never explained why. She told her son to suck it up or there will be consequences.

He loved her. He wanted the best for her even if his best meant that he had to leave her.


Wakeel wakes up every day trying to find updates on Keithara's whereabouts. His sole purpose was to find her. He wakes up early scrolls through his laptop and goes back to bed in the late morning. He barely touched any food and would snack on cup noodles and down gallons of coffee just to keep himself awake and going for the day. These unhealthy habits have been going on for months. He was like a walking dead.

His parents became worried when they saw the state their son was in. Rifqa has been asking her husband to check on him persistently. Radeen nodded his head but he had yet to have words with him.

This morning, Radeen had a legislature meeting with the government bodies. He walks down the stairs towards the dining area to have his breakfast. He walked past a couple of doors when he spotted a particular door leading to his son's bedroom. The door was slightly ajar as he walked towards it.

"Thara! Mana you?! I miss you so much!" Cried Wakeel.

"I tak boleh hidup tanpa you! Please baby! Please come back to me! I nak you sorang je!"

Radeen sighed. It was too much for him to hear another second of his son's cries for help. He was madly in love with her and there was nothing he could do to soothe Wake's pain. As a father, he feels as though he has failed to be a good father to him. He knew he had to do something.

He had every means to find Wakeel's girlfriend and her family but he didn't. There was a certain reason as to why he held himself back. He knows this was not about him but he just couldn't help himself.

Nadia was doing her grocery shopping at her nearby supermarket. She turns to another aisle to pick up dry goods and browse through the section. A suspicious guy wearing a baseball cap and a hoodie approaches her.

"Mana anak you?"

Nadia looks up from a product she was looking at. When she saw who it was, her eyes widened in shock. She quickly pushes her cart away and moves to another section of the store. Radeen catches up to her and stops her.

"Go away."

"Not until I get my answer, Nadia. Mana Keithara?"

"Mana anak I, don't concern you at all, Your Majesty!"

"Anak I dah macam tak betul. Hari-hari dia cari anak you. Or, Keithara tu anak kita?" He raised his left eyebrow.

"Apa you merepek ni? Biar Keithara jauh dari anak you. Jangan kacau hidup I, keluarga I, anak I lagi."

Since that day, Radeen has never stopped pestering Nadia. He shows up wherever she's at. He always has his eyes on her. His presence threatened her relationship with her husband. Radeen knew his limits. He has never appeared before Naqqib. Sooner or later, he'll get his answers.


Eryna took this vulnerable moment to make Wakeel fall in love with her. She saw her opportunity and she didn't hesitate. Not even for a second.

There was a party going on and Raziq invited Wakeel over to the party. He didn't want his best friend to fall into depression and take all those nasty medications. It took a lot of persuasion before he finally agreed.

Wakeel mixed around with people in the club. For a moment, he looked like he was in his usual self. He downed a couple of glasses and danced around in the centre of the dance floor. For the first time in months, that evening, there was a smile on his face.

"What did you do to make him like that?" Asked Eryna.

Raziq turns around. "Nothing. When he steps into the club, he is like that already."

He looked at his best friend who was laughing with strangers. When Eryna spotted a girl that was about to make a move on Wakeel, she immediately stood up from her seat and stormed towards them. She pulled the girl away from him.

"Back off, bitch! He's mine." Stated Eryna. The stranger gave her a scowl before walking away with her group of friends.

"You're mean." Laughed Wakeel.

"And you do not know how to behave yourself!" She glared at him.

"I'm sorry, baby." He raise his arms up like he was caught red handed.

"Come on. Let's get you home. We can have more fun there." Suggested Eryna.

Wakeel smile. "Really?"

She nodded.

They clasped their hands together and walked out of the club. Before walking out, he waved goodbye to his best friend and told him that he was headed home. Wakeel was trying to find his car keys in his pockets as Eryna leaned against his sports car. When he heard jiggles from his pockets, he grabbed it and pulled it out of his pocket. His keys slip out of his hands and fall to the ground.

Before he could reach for his keys, a hand appeared out of nowhere and grabbed his keys. Wakeel looks up and stumbles. He freezes in his spot. The woman that was standing in front of him looked familiar. Too familiar for him to recognise even when he's intoxicated.

"Keithara ..." He breathed out.


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