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Keithara opens the door to Arsen's car. She didn't wait for him and got into the passenger seat and closed the door shut. Arsen could clearly see how pissed off she was from how roughly she closed the door. He knew it was his fault for not coming forward with the truth. Every time he wanted to tell her the truth, he was afraid that she might avoid him and put a distance between them. He loves her so much to the point of fearing her loss.

Once Arsen parks outside of Keithara's apartment, she quickly gets out of his car and marches towards her front door. He instantly steps out of his vehicle and follows her suit. She threw her purse on the sofa nearby and took a seat on one of the couches. She crosses her legs and folds her hands in front of her chest. Her jaw clenched as she looked everywhere else except him.

"I'm sorry." He apologised as he let his head fall between his shoulders.

"That day when you were crying alone at the beach, I was tasked by Wakeel to look after you. Update him on your well-being, whom you met, what you are doing, and what you are having for dinner. Down to the finest details." He started.

"You were just supposed to be one of those clients. Every day, I try to gather intel about you but I can't. You're the rarest individual that I have ever met. All of the things I'd gathered about you weren't satisfying or informative to him. I did what I am supposed to do, my job."

"I befriended you and that way I get to know the little details about you. As, I sat there with you, every day and every hour, listening to all of your problems and day, I couldn't stop myself from falling for you. I swear I meant good."

"The minute I came to terms with my feelings towards you, I terminated the contract. I called my boss and told him to find another person to take the job. I couldn't do that to you. I love you, Keithara."

"With all of my heart." He whispers.

"Who are you, really?" Asked Keithara as she narrowed her eyes at him.

"I'm a private investigator. My identity for your mission is Arsen, a college boy."

"Your real name?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Jude Zakhwan."

"So, Arsen-"


"My name is Jude." Said Jude.

"Jude ... Why didn't you tell me who you were? I dah nak kahwin dengan you!"

"I have been meaning to. Believe me, every day I've been trying to bring up this matter to you. I've wanted to tell you but every time I try to bring it up, something else happens. Our wedding day is closing in and I know I have to tell you."

"When?! On our wedding day?"

"I'm sorry, Kei. I didn't mean to and I know it's my fault. I love you. I really do. If only I could turn back the time and tell you all about it. It's too late now. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Whispered Jude.

There was no denying that Keithara was furious with him. He lied to her. At her most vulnerable moment, Jude swoops into her life. She was at ground zero trying to figure out her life away from her home and friends but he managed to make her feel love all over her again. Keithara was on cloud nine and she honestly believed that this was. That everything has already worked out for her and she foolishly believes it.

Though Keithara was angry, a part of her softened. She couldn't be mad like how she was furious with Wakeel. With him, she throws her hand and there's only hatred lies within her heart. However, with Jude, it's everything else. She can find something within her to forgive him. Sympathise with him.

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