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It was their last day of the trip and tomorrow everything will go back to they once were. Throughout the whole trip, Wakeel made each day count. A smile never leaves Keithara's face whenever he's around. He was sweet and pulled out random surprise gifts for her. Her heart melts. She has never felt this much love in her entire life. Keithara doesn't want this to end but she knows that every good will always come to an end.

Wakeel and Keithara decided to spend the last day of the trip on a beach. Their school lecturers were kind enough to let the students wander around freely in the city but they have a curfew. Everyone has to be back at the hotel by eight in the evening.

They had a little picnic by the beach. Played card games and chased each other around the beach. They dip their legs into the cold seawater as Keithara shudders at the sudden drop in temperature. As the sky slowly starts to turn dark, Wakeel and Keithara sit by the beach with her in his arms. Both of them look out at the horizon as they watch the sunset together.

"I don't want this to end." She whispers.

"Me too." He places a soft kiss on top of her head.

"I love you." Keithara looks up at him.

"I love you more."

She shakes her head.

"No. Me more!"

Wakeel chuckles. "No, little girl. You can't possibly love me more than I love you."

She pouts.

"How are you going to tell your parents about us?" Asked Wakeel.

Keithara instantly froze. She has never thought about it. She was so busy romanticizing and being loved and cared for by him that she had never planned out her strategies. Deep in her heart, she knew she couldn't tell her parents the truth. They're going to freak out and probably ground her. Forcing her to distance herself from the love of her life. Keithara had to do one thing. That one thing involves lying to her parents.

"Hey, don't worry about it okay? Everything is going to be alright." Said Wakeel. She simply nodded.

"Come on, let's go. It's getting late."


Arielle was walking around the hotel where all of the students and teachers were temporarily residing. Not far from her hotel, there is a recreation area for the public to use. She spotted an indoor football court and there was a group of boys playing around. She made her way towards the court. She took a couple of photos of the area and the teenagers playing on the football court.

A particular teenager caught her attention. Arielle notices a number seventeen among the crowd. Without hesitation, she quickly took a couple of shots of him. She took some time to examine every photo she took when she noticed the last photo where Muntaqim was staring directly into her camera lens.

Arielle gasps. She looked up and saw him making his way towards her.

"Paparazzi much?" He smirked.

"You know all you have to do was just ask." Shrugged Muntaqim.

She gulped as she stared at him.

"Can I take a look at the photos?" Muntaqim gestured to Arielle's camera.

"Su-sure." Stuttered Arielle.

Muntaqim took her camera and looked through the shots that she had taken. He nodded his head. He was impressed with all of her shots. He finally looks up and stares into her eyes.

"Arielle, right?"

She nodded.

"Is it okay if you follow me around and shoot some shots and videos for my publicity? I love your work." Said Muntaqim.

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