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It has been ten years since Keithara disappeared into thin air with Arielle. No one knew where they were or how they were, not even her parents. The last time Keithara's parents were aware of her location, Nadia accidentally blurted out where she was studying. This time round, Keithara didn't tell her parents however once in a while, she would call them and drop a couple of messages.

Italy was a great country. She had so much fun with Arielle. Both of them managed to finish their degree in their respective discipline. Keithara has been working as a doctor now at a local hospital. She enjoyed every minute of it. Arielle became a freelance photographer.

"Hello, beautiful."

Keithara was doing her rounds in the hospital wards when she heard his voice. A smile instantly plastered on her face as she turned around and faced the man of her dreams.

"Hi, handsome!" She engulfs him in a big hug.

The gentleman whom she met at the beach that day, the one who saw her at her most vulnerable moments and her breaking point. He healed her. He was there for her every step of the way. Keithara was thankful for him. They became close friends and started to hang out often. Soon, love sparks between the two. Every day with him has been a blessing for her.

"What are you doing here?" Asked Keithara.

"Just want to spend some time with my fiancee." Smiled Arsen.

She giggles.

"Are you free now?"

"I've done my rounds already and I have my clinic duties in the afternoon. For now, yes."


"Sure. I'm famished." She smiled.

Both of them were having their time together when they were rudely interrupted by the ringing of Keithara's phone. She sighed and took out her phone from her blouse pocket. When she saw it was her mother who was calling, she dropped her fork on the plate and answered the call.

"Hello, ma."

On the other line, Keithara could hear clearly that her mother was crying even though she was trying to hide it.

"Ma? What's wrong?" She scrunched her eyebrows in confusion. Panic started to consume her body.

"Ay-ayah. Ayah dah tak ada." Cried Nadia.

Keithara froze. Her mouth gapes open. Arsen furrowed his eyebrows.

"What happened?"

"Cardiac arrest."

"Mama, I'm coming back home."

She ended the call and quickly got up from her seat. Arsen followed her steps.

"What's wrong, love?"

Tears starts to well up in her eyes. "Ayah I dah meninggal. I nak kena balik for my mum. Dia sorang dekat rumah."

"Okay, let's go."

Ten years is such a long time and her father's death is the right time for her to come back home and be there for her mother. Arielle agreed to go back home with her. They packed their stuff in their apartment before going to the airport. When she saw her fiancee leaning against a pillar of a wall, she furrowed her eyebrows.

"What are you doing here?" Asked Keithara.

"I want to be here for you." He smiled.

A weak smile plastered on Keithara's face. She was thankful for the support she was getting from both her best friend and her fiancee. She went to Italy as two and came back home in three. Finally, a time for her to introduce Arsen as her fiancee back at home.

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