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By the time Friday comes around, Keithara could never have been happier. She's been trying to catch up with the school work and getting around the campus. For the first few weeks, she got lost a couple of times. She was thankful when Arielle offered to wait for her at the school's foyer in the morning.

Schools in the states were different from here. Their syllabus was totally different. Keithara had to learn everything from scratch. Arielle lent her notebooks and study guides so that she could quickly catch up in class.

It's been a while since Keithara have last encounter with Wakeel. She barely sees him at lunch or around the school. She had just found out that he was a senior in school. While she is daydreaming on a bench, Arielle creeps behind her and spooks her.

"Oh, mak kau!" Keithara holds her heart. She turns around to find Arielle and falls into a fit of laughter.

"Terperanjat lah, Arielle!"

"Sorry!" She giggles.

"Are you free this evening?" Asked Arielle.


"There's a football match today between our school and the Creek Oak Academy."

"I'm not too sure. I mean, I'm not into sports nor do I enjoy watching them." She shrugged.

Arielle smiled at her. "Wakeel is going to be there. He's in the team."

Keithara whips her head. She widens her eyes. "He's there?"

She nodded her head.

"It's the final match. Whoever wins today's match, they are crowned as the champion. I'll see you at the school field at six in the evening?"

"Okay." Keithara instantly agrees after hearing that he's going to be there.

Once school ended, Keithara rushed back home. She didn't want to miss out on the football match and at the same time, she wanted to clear off some of her overdue schoolwork. She managed to finish off her homework for the day before calling off for the day. She took a quick shower and settled on a white plain t-shirt and washed ripped jeans. She puts on light makeup and looks at herself one last time before slipping into a pair of Nike shoes.

By the time Keithara left her house, it was already five-thirty in the evening. The distance between her school and her house wasn't that far. It takes about fifteen minutes to commute, give and take. When she arrived at the school field, she saw Arielle standing by a pillar of a wall, eyes focused on her cell phone.

"Arielle!" Waved Keithara.

"Ah! You made it!" Arielle ran towards her and hugged her.

They took a seat in the first row of the bleachers. They have a full view of the field as well as the players. Each school team player was doing their warms up in the field. Those who came early could see them. Screams and giggles from their fans could be heard. Once in a while, Keithara would glance up in his direction. When Wakeel looks at her, she instantly focuses her attention on another player or anywhere else other than him.

"You wanna know something?" Asked Arielle.

Keithara looks at her. "What?"

"Our school team was formed by Wakeel and Raziq. They are some sort of the founders of the school team. When the school team was established, they won every match and tournament each year. If they manage to win this match, it will be five years of dominance."

Hearing that, Keithara scoffed. "What is he? The president's son? School dean's son?"

"Rumours have it that he's a royal member. Wakeel is the Sultan's son. But, there wasn't any proof or evidence. He never denies it or agrees to the statement." She shrugged.

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