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Wakeel's word plays in her mind for the longest time. Keithara was shocked when he uttered those three letter words. It's simple and easy to say but it holds such a deep meaning to it.

She never says it back.

Though he meant well, Wakeel didn't want to push her away from him. He's scared if he approaches her too often and brings out about the event again, Keithara will run in another direction the second she hears about it. He kept his distance from her but made sure she was close enough within his reach.

After one week of suspension, Eryna comes back to school as if nothing had happened. Throughout her suspension, she has been thinking ways just to get back to Keithara. Her group of minions has been updating her every day about what's happening in school. She was furious when she saw photos and videos of the love of her life spending day and night with a cheap girl.

Eryna did her research and found out that one of the juniors from Keithara's class had a secret crush on her. He was handsome but not as devilishly handsome as Wakeel. She began her mission of seducing him.

She walks through the hallways and lockers, trying to find a particular someone. When she spotted him talking to his friends a few feet away from her, a smile immediately settled on her face. Eryna quickly closed the distance between them.

"Hello, boys."Greeted Eryna. She batted her eyelashes at the group of junior class boys.

"You must be Zen, I suppose." She smiled at him.

Zen smirked. "Yes, I am."

"Well, everyone here knows who I am so I don't need to introduce myself. I have a party going on this weekend. Would you care to join me?" She smiles seductively.

"I'll be more than happy to join you."

"Great! I will see you there." Winked Eryna before walking away.


Day by day, Eryna and Zen have become close. She's been flirting with him nonstop, trying to get him hooked. When he finally did, she was just one step closer to her goal. Before everyone knows it, they are together. During break, Eryna took a seat by Zen's side.

"Zen, darling, do you know Keithara?" Asked Eryna.

"Yes, baby. Why?"

"How is she in class?"

"Quiet. Keep things to herself. The only friend she made was Arielle. Everywhere she goes, there is always Arielle by her side. If not her, it will be Wakeel." He shrugged.

Hearing his name, Eryna instantly seat up straight.

"Tell me more. How often do you see him with her?"

"Every day. Wakeel is always by her side. It is as if Arielle and Wakeel are her bodyguards. Wakeel always walks her home. Buys her food. Say something that will make her giggle."

Eryna gritted her teeth.

"Nanti you tengok lah. Dah habis break, Wakeel akan hantar dia pergi class. Nanti class dah habis, dia akan tunggu Keithara depan class."

"Sanggup eh."

Zen shrug his shoulders. "Untuk orang yang dia sayang, dia sanggup buat apa-apa."

He looks at her. "Macam I. I sanggup buat apa-apa demi you sebab I sayangkan you."

Eryna showed him a fake smile. "Thank you, love."

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