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It's been almost a week since Keithara received those roses from Wakeel. During that time, she has yet to see him face to face. The thought of seeing him again makes her feel nauseous. She has a new life here in London. Great friends, an amazing place. She has it all. She could finally breathe again.

When Keithara had finally moved on from him, Wakeel came running back into her life. She has come so far to give everything all up. Keithara loved him dearly but she finally understood that not everything in this world she can have. She accepted her fate. No matter how many times she tried to calm herself down and reassure herself, she couldn't stop the feeling of anxiousness. Deep in her bones, she knew that something was going to happen soon.

Radeen walks out of the meeting room with his son following his lead. He buttons his suit jacket before he starts greeting and handshaking passersby's hands. He had just come out from a meeting with Dubai's prince as they were discussing their country's progression and resources. The meeting ended off on a good note.

"Thank you, dad." Whispered Wakeel.

Radeen took a quick glance at his son before focusing his attention back to the crowd in front of him.

"So, you've finally met her?"

He nodded.

"How is she?" Asked Radeen.

"Good. In fact, way better than I have expected. She looks so happy now."

"Even without me by her side." He whispers in sadness.

"How did you manage to find her?" Asked Wakeel, curious.

Radeen shrugged.

"I have my ways."

"Does it have to do with Keithara's mother?" He asked as they walked towards their car.

"Why'd you ask?" Smiled Radeen.

"I saw the way you looked at her. That day, on my graduation day, you and mummy were arguing back at home. I heard your conversations with her."

Radeen took a seat in the driver's seat whereas Wakeel took a seat in the passenger's seat. He turns on the engine of the car before driving away, leaving the government building compound.

"Her mother and I used to have a history together."

"Dad!!" Shouted Wakeel. The realisation hits him in the face when he finally understands everything.

"So, kirakan, Keithara is my adik?"

Radeen shakes his head. Wakeel closes his eyes for a brief moment and sighs in relief.

"Dia bukan macam tu. Daddy pun fikir yang Keithara tu anak daddy juga tapi mak dia cakap tak. I saw her birth certificate and it collaborate her story as well."

"Fuh! Nasib! Gila orang nanti cakap abang and adik date together."

Radeen laughed.

"Actually, I did date my sister. But, that's another story for another time." Said Radeen.

Wakeel widen his eyes as he stare at his father in shock. 'Biar betul bapak aku ni! Macam tak ada perempuan lain dekat dalam dunia ni sampai nak sebat adik sendiri.'


Keithara spends her whole day in the cafe near her apartment. She didn't want to be alone. Being in the public and surrounded by the people, she can reassure herself that nothing is going to happen to her. Or else, that is what she thought.

The Prince's ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now