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Radeen appears in front of a house. He looks at the exterior of the house before turning off the engine of his vehicle and stepping out of the car. He walks towards the front door of the house and knocks on the door. After a few seconds, the door creaks open.

Nadia appears behind the door. When she saw who it was, she furrowed her eyebrows. "Apa you buat dekat sini? You gila ke? Ni rumah I!" She whispers and shouts at him.


"Kenapa you cakap? I sorang je dekat rumah ni! Nanti husband I nampak you dekat sini macam mana?"

He smirked. "You takut ke dia nampak I dengan you, sayang?"

Nadia narrowed her eyes at him. "You memang dah gila!"

"I memang tergila-gilakan you, sayang. You je yang tak nampak." Shrugged Radeen.

"Go away, Radeen! You dah ada anak bini!"

"You still belum clarify kalau Keithara anak kita!"

"You jangan merepek boleh? Husband I dah nak balik rumah. Pergilah Radeen! I'm begging you! Please just leave me and my family alone."

"I'm still not done with you, Nadia. I've yet to get my answers. I will keep coming back until you give me what I want. I will never stop, Nadia. Just like last time." He whispers.

"Stop! This isn't about us! This is about our child! This is about your son and my daughter! It has nothing to do with us."

"Yes, but don't you see it? They go through the same thing we did."

"Stop! Just stop, Radeen!" Nadia broke down into tears.

Radeen closes the distance between them. He holds her in his arms even when she tries to fight him. She pushes his chest a couple of times but he never bulges. He stood rooted in his ground as Nadia wailed.

"Can you please stop doing this to me? Please. I'm begging you." Cried Nadia.

"It's never been a day where you don't occupy my mind, Nadia. It's never been a day where I don't miss you. You will always have a special place in my heart. I will always be here for you. I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying right here with you."

"You have a wife and a kid. I have a husband that I truly love. Let the past be in the past. Tak guna nak kenang masa lalu."

"Even so, I will be the one to catch you when you fall." Said Radeen as he placed a soft kiss on her forehead before walking away, leaving a shattered Nadia in her doorway.


Tottenham Hotspur FC || London, England

A couple of months ago, Muntaqim was offered a position in Spurs for the first squad team. It has been his dream all along to play in the same team as his favourite player which is Son Heung-min. Without hesitation, he accepted the offer. Today is his first debut for the season.

Arielle got a VIP pass to the game. She has been following him around whenever she can. Juggling between university and his publicity was hard but the pay was good enough for her to stick around. She then begins to take photos and short clip videos of him. Fans were swooning over him and waiting in anticipation for his updates. Arielle posted a sneak peek of his training for today's match on his Instagram. Within minutes, there were already hundreds and thousands of likes and comments on his post. Some reposted it on their Instagram story. A smile forms on her lips.

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