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A Twitter post was updated in the afternoon

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A Twitter post was updated in the afternoon. Students from Royal Crest Academy get the latest news and gossip from a Twitter account named RCA Gossips also known as Royal Crest Gossips. Nobody in school knows who runs the account. Some suspect that it was someone who attends Royal Crest Academy or they used to. Up until today, no one knows.

"Congratulations on making it to the news." Giggles Arielle.

Keithara groans.

"Now, everyone will know who I am. I want to leave high school with little to no people who know who I am. Not, the whole school and the other nearby schools who know who I am." She sighed.

"Getting into a relationship with someone popular in school will result in no privacy, my love. Everyone knows it." Shrugged Arielle.

"Truth is, we are not even in a relationship. We are not together. We never have been. I don't know why Wakeel would say that in front of the seniors and the junior classes." Keithara runs her hands through her hair in frustration.

Since that day, everywhere Keithara goes, there is always Wakeel by her side. He made sure that she was never alone. If she was with her best friend, he would stay away from her. When Keithara is studying in the library, sitting alone at a bench near the school field, or doing her homework at the cafeteria, Wakeel will appear by her side and do his own things. He never interrupts or disturbs her. He just sits there and waits for her until she's done and ready to go back home.

Arielle wasn't feeling well today so she was surrounded by Wakeel and his friend's presence. She walked towards her next class of the day when she had enough of him following her around the school half of the day. She suddenly stops in the middle of the hallway.

"Please, for the love of god, stop following me around." Begged Keithara.

Wakeel shakes his head.

"You know I can't do that."

"What do you mean? Why not?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Everyone in school knows that you belong to me, Thara. You're mine. I'm not leaving you."

Keithara laugh. "Well, that's the thing. I'm not your girlfriend. I don't belong to you and definitely I'm not yours! So, Leave. Me. Alone."


"Oh, tell everyone the truth! I don't know what game you're playing but I don't want to be a part of it." Said Keithara.

"I'm not going to deny our relationship, Thara. This is not a game. It's for your own good." He muttered.

"What are you talking about?" She narrowed her eyes at him.

The school bell rang, putting their conversation to a stop.

"Go to your class. You don't want to be late."


It was the time of the year when Royal Crest Academy organised a Sports Day for their school. Each class of the same level will be competing with each other to emerge victorious. Arielle and Keithara signed up for the Captain's Ball competition. They will be representing their class.

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