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"Arielle!" Waved Keithara.

"Kei!" Squealed Arielle as she ran and hugged her best friend.

Though they were in the same country, they barely saw one another. They both have commitments in their life but still manage to check in with each other occasionally. Arielle's schedule has been packed for months now. Travelling here and there following her favourite football player. Now that exams are over for Keithara and Arielle's schedules aren't tight, they decided to meet with one another.

"How are you?" Asked Keithara. Arielle took a seat in front of her.

"Good. Yourself?"

Keithara nodded. "Never have been better." She smiled.

"Bagus. After everything that has been happening to you, you deserve everything in life, my light."

Keithara chuckles.

"Did you manage to move past your past?"

She sighed.

"I did, or so I thought."

"Huh?" Arielle look at her, confused.

"He came back, Elle. He came back." Keithara broke down into tears.

Arielle immediately stood up from her seat and sat by her best friend. She wraps her hands over her shoulders and pulls her towards herself. She rubs circles on her back, comforting her melancholy best friend.

"Shh, it's okay. What happened?"

"I can back home one day to find roses in my apartment. No one else gives me roses other than him. Wakeel is the only one who gives me flowers every time we go out on a date."

"Then, a few days back, he appeared out of nowhere in front of me. No explanation or apologise for what he did to me back then. He broke me, shattered me and expected me to put all of the pieces back together and be okay with it?"

"Even a broken plate after being apologised won't go back to the way it was before." She cried.

"We will get through this together, okay? If you want him to stay away from you, I'll ask Muntaqim to speak to him." Comfort Arielle.

Keithara wipes her tears away. "Enough about me. How about you? Anything interesting to comfort my gloomy soul?" She laughed.

Arielle shakes her head. "Just that, he's been acting weird lately."

She looks at her confused. "Weird how?"

"He's so protective. The other time, I accidentally went into the boys' locker room after the game. The boys were changing so most of them weren't wearing any shirts. I walked in and all eyes were on me. Out of nowhere, Muntaqim appears and pulls me out of the locker room." Explained Arielle.

"He was mad. I thought maybe I invaded their privacy or something but that wasn't entirely true. He was angry because all the boys had his eyes on me. He hated the way they looked at me. Like I was a piece of meat." Muttered Arielle.

"He likes you." Smiled Keithara.

"No?" Arielle scrunched her eyebrows.

"He doesn't like it when other boys look at you. Do you find it incredibly hard to date guys even though you're surrounded by them?"

She nodded her head.

"Muntaqim scare them off. Every guy who would like to ask you out on a date ended up dropping their intention because he warned them off. He's your protector. No one else can have you other than him." Said Keithara.

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