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"Why would you do that?" Gasps Keithara.

"I would do anything for you, love." Replied Wakeel.

Wakeel came to a decision to take a year off from his senior year. He took a gap year so that he could graduate with his girlfriend. He had already made the decision even before he told his parents. There was no way of changing his mind once he had made his choice. Keithara was the last one to know about the matter. She came to know about his decision on the first day of her senior year. He was leaning against her locker with a smile spread on his face.

"Keel! You're wasting your time!"

"I'm wasting my time if I don't spend another second without you."

'I'm serious."

"So am I."

"This thing between us ..." Keithara gestured between herself and Wakeel. "I might not work out in the future. We are in high school. Anything can happen in the future. We don't know what the future might hold for both of us. Once we go on our separate ways, in different parts of the world chasing our dreams, you might find someone better and more beautiful than me. You might forget about me."

"No. I've only had my eyes on you, little girl. I've had them for the longest time. 11 years. I've got you now, right by my side. I'm not letting you go that easily. Wherever you are, just know that I will always be by your side. Don't worry too much about the future, sayang. Live in the moment." Said Wakeel.

"How can you be so sure?"

Wakeel smiles and pushes a few of her hair strands that were covering her face and tucked them behind her ear. "Because I always mention your name in every of my dua. I talk to Allah about you. I told him how much I love you. I prayed every day for you."

"Kalau jodoh, tak ke mana. You can run but you can never hide from me." Wakeel places a soft kiss on her forehead before walking away to his first period.

Arielle walks towards her best friend and stops by her side. She followed Keithara's gaze who was looking at her boyfriend until his figure disappeared into thin air. Keithara let out a sigh.

"Kenapa tu?" Asked Arielle.

"Dia sanggup ambil gap year untuk aku."

Arielle chuckles. "Sayang betul dia dekat kau."

"Tapi ..."

"Kau tak suka?"

Keithara shakes her head. "He's wasting his time. Aku tak suka! He should be pursuing his future bukan tangguh."

"Tak semua orang boleh buat macam mana dia buat. Kau tengok je umur dia berapa. Still, dia boleh override parents dia." Shrugged Arielle.

"I don't want him to do this for me. Aku orang paling terakhir tahu about this issue."

Arielle places her hand over her shoulders. "Benda dah pun jadi." She sighed.

Keithara looks at her. "Asyik berbual fasal aku je. How's things with Mr number Seventeen? Susah aku nak jumpa dengan kau sekarang."

Arielle laughed and looked at her dreamily. "Well, first thing first, buah hati aku ada offer aku a freelance job! During our school trip, I was photographing the area around our hotel when I saw him. I snapped a couple of photos of him and dia ternampak wei! Lepas tu, dia offer nak hire aku untuk ambil gambar and video dia. Tu yang aku tengah sibuk sekarang. Selalu by his side je."

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