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A clear expression of anger could be seen on Eryna's face through the whole way back home. She was sitting in the passenger seat whereas Wakeel was driving the vehicle they were in. He ignored her, and never once paid any attention to his wife. There was only one thing, no, one woman who was occupying his mind right now. His mind travels back to her features, smile, voice and eyes. The eyes that glisten whenever they fall onto another man.

He gripped the steering wheel.

That day was Wakeel's opportunity to run away from all of this. Run away from the ridiculous wedding and marry a woman that isn't his choice. It could have worked out for him when Radeen gave him the green light but soon after, the plan fell apart.

Somehow, Rifqa managed to find out about the plan. He stepped out of his hallway when he saw his mother running towards his direction. Tears could be seen welling up in her eyes.

"Keel serious nak malukan mummy depan orang ramai ke? Sanggupkan Keel buat mummy macam ni?"


"I know who I am in your life, Abdul Wakeel. Setapak Keel keluar dari rumah ni, Keel dah anggap yang mummy ni bukan mak Keel lagi. Mummy akan bunuh diri!"

"Mummy asal cakap macam ni!"

"I'm sick and tired of all of this. Baik anak, baik laki. Semua sama je! Semua nak mummy mati siang!"


Rifqa pushes her son and walks away.

Wakeel shakes his head. He went through with his wedding after hearing what his mother said and her intention. He couldn't shake off the feeling that Rifqa might actually do what she said. He loved his mother enough not to let that happen to her.

Pasangan hidup bila-bila masa boleh cari, tapi, mak bapak satu seumur hidup.

"Mesti tengah fikir fasal buat hatikan?" She huffed.

"Kenapa? Menyesal tak dapat dia?" She narrowed her eyes at him.

"Aku tak ada masa nak layan kau. Apa aku nak fikirkan tu hak aku. Badan aku sendiri. Kau pun tahu kan aku bukan suka dekat kau sangat. We are in this situation because of your stupidity."

A few days after his daunting grand wedding, everyone was contented except for him. He was living in misery. Wakeel also discovered that Eryna planned to ruin his relationship with Keithara. He managed to break some walls that she built around her heart and Eryna took this opportunity to destroy everything at once. She wants to own him.

There was no turning back for Wakeel.

"I tak akan buat benda ni semua kalau you pandang I sorang je." She gritted her teeth.

Wakeel shakes his head.

"You very well knew my heart, feelings and desires lie on Keithara. It's something that you can't change within a day or weeks or even months. I've known her for such a long time. I've met her even before I know who you are. Keithara and I go way back. Back when we were just innocent kids."

"'But, you're mine now."

"In terms of official status, yes. I am your husband by law. But, you will never own my heart. In my heart, Keithara is the only population."

"Ultimately, you never did have me. You are living in your own prison." He informed.

Eryna finally understood. She has him, the love of her life but in reality, he will never love her. Something that she desperately wanted but she could never have it. Not in this lifetime, anyway.

The Prince's ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now