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The next morning, Keithara wakes up earlier than usual with everything that happened yesterday. By the time they arrived back at the hotel, it was already past midnight. She took a quick shower before plopping herself down onto the bed. Within minutes, she drifted off to sleep.

Keithara changed out of her pyjamas to an active wear. She wore a tank top with tights and a Nike sports shoe. As she stepped out of her room, there was no sight of her parents and the common room was dark. She walks towards her parents' room and takes a peek inside. Her parents were still fast asleep. She sent a quick text message to her mother before making her way down to the gym located within the hotel.

There weren't many people in the gym even though the clock read eight in the morning. Everyone probably decided to sleep in after a long day yesterday. Keithara steps on a treadmill before plugging in her AirPods. She sets the speeds on the treadmill before she starts running.

After a good session on the treadmill, Keithrara moves on to the weights. She picks up 5kg of dumbbells and starts doing squats. By the time the clock strikes ten in the morning, she collapses on the floor in exhaustion. She catches her breath as she stares up at the ceiling. She was in a daze. Abruptly, her mind takes her to the event that occurred yesterday.

He wasn't a model but he should have been. His groomed, perfectly styled black hair. The aquiline nose which compliments his prominent cheekbones. Gorgeous was an understatement with his basalt jaw and Spartan shoulders that speak of strength. The way he walks with full of authority can bring any woman to their knees. His entrancing and yet piercing brown eyes. She could stare into those beautiful eyes all day without being bored. His voice. Those deep yet soothing voices that she wants to hear each time she wakes up and also the time where she falls asleep.

He's perfect. A god sent. But the question is — who is he?

Her thoughts were rudely interrupted when a bottle of water came into her view. She narrowed her eyes and sat up. When she realises who it was, she looks away.

"Take it." Said the boy from yesterday.

Reluctantly, Keithara takes the water bottle from his hands.

"Thanks." She mumbled.

Keithara unscrews the bottle cap before gulping down the cold water. She didn't know she was that thirsty. Suddenly, she felt conscious when a pair of eyes stared at her. She chokes on her water and falls into a fit of coughs. Wakeel pats her back to calm her down.

"You okay?" Asked Wakeel, concerned.

She nodded. "Yup."

Wakeel opened his mouth to say something but it was stopped midair when Keithara's phone suddenly rang. She looks at the caller ID before answering the call. She talks to the person on the other side of the line and Wakeel takes this chance to snap a photo of her without her realising. Once she ends the call, she looks at him.

"I'm sorry. I have to go. Thanks for the water." Said Keithara as she held out the water bottle.

"No problem." He replied.

Keithara walked away and for the second time, she didn't catch his name.


Keithara takes in the sight in front of her. The two storey bungalow that was decorated in a modern black and white paint will be her new residence. Her father managed to secure a job back home. Hence, she will be staying here from now on. No more travelling back to the UK. She did get a chance to say goodbye to her friends back in the UK and leave all of her memories behind.

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