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"I didn't know that the both of you were dating." Said Arielle.

Keithara immediately made a disgusting look. "No. We weren't."

"From what I'm seeing a few days back, I don't think so. The rest of the school witnessed the whole sting that he pulled. It was impressive and cute." She shrugs.

"He loves you. Dearly. Can't you see it?"

"He did what he did because he's a nice person, Elle. You and I both know it." Said Keithara.

Arielle smirked.

"Oh, darling. You don't know him that well. There is a reason why Zen was so afraid of Wakeel. Did you ever think about it?"

"What are you talking about?" Keithara scrunched her eyebrows.

"Let me tell you about Abdul Wakeel. He ain't no saint. He's exactly like Zen. A bully. But the worst kind. The one that will taunt your whole life. It was a game for him. He finds excitement seeing people in fear."

Keithara widens her eyes. "Bu-but he looks different. H-h-he doesn't look like how you describe him now."

She nodded. "He changed when one of his victims committed suicide. He took his game a little bit too far which caused someone's else life. Someone's son. Someone's brother. Someone's friend. Someone's loved ones."

"Astagfirullah!" She covered her mouth.

"He changed. Went through counseling and stuff like that. Never pester anyone's life since then. He stayed in his path and everyone did the same."

"But, he drove that student mad."

"Who are we to judge someone's past, K?" Said Arielle.

Whatever Arielle said, they were true. No one can judge anyone for someone's past or who they had become. After all, they are just humans. They are bound to make mistakes and ultimately learn from them. The only person who can judge them is the Creator himself.

Even so, Keithara could wrap her head around what Wakeel did. It was unacceptable and went against her moral values in life. She knew he had turned over a new leaf but somehow she just couldn't accept that there was part of him that would do something like that.

"Anyways, are you excited for the upcoming school trip to Malaysia?" Asked Arielle.

"Yeah." She fake a smile.

Royal Crest Academy had planned a junior and senior trip to Malaysia. It was part of their program to let the junior class and senior class bond together since this year is the senior's last year. After which, they will be going to college or university. It was the junior class's chance to grasp whatever advice their seniors could offer to them.


The day had finally come. Everyone was instructed to meet at the airport. Arielle and Keithara had decided to go to the airport together. Her parents insisted that they send her off but she repeatedly told them not to. They finally give in.

Keithara was excited for the trip. She woke up as early as seven in the morning to get ready though Arielle was supposed to pick her up at one. She was scrolling through her social media account on her iPad when she heard a honk outside her house. Keithara looks at the time as it reads eleven thirty in the morning. She scrunched her eyebrows in confusion.

She stands up from her seat and puts her iPad away. Keithara walked out of her house to see who it was. To her surprise, Wakeel was leaning against his car while wearing a shade. He wore a simple white polo tee and jeans. When he saw her, a smile immediately plastered on his face.

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