Devil child 1

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Hi my name is Sara Grey I'm 21 years old and I play for Arsenal, football has been my life, my escape and my safety blanket ever since I saw my first match on the TV when I was 5, Liverpool was playing ManU, they unfortunately lost but since then I have supported Liverpool.

My idol is Gerrard, the way he controlled the ball, the amazing goals he would score and the fact he was never afraid to make a tackle amazed me.

Like him I love a good tackle and I'm well known for getting a yellow here and there, sometimes I have a hard time controlling my temper and when it comes to my teammates I'll do anything in my power to protect them.

Anyway I'm the youngest of two children and to be honest I'm also the reason why my parents didn't want more kids.

My older brother was the perfect child, he was very chill, letting my parents sleep through the night and liked being in his own company. My mom used to have to check to see if he was home because he spent his free time reading or drawing. He also got the brains in the family and is crazy smart. I want to believe I helped with that by giving him most of my brain cells but who knows, at least I'm street smart.

I on the other hand quickly got the nickname "devil child" and that is putting it nicely, at 5 months old my dad had the most amazing idea to start teaching me how to walk and got me this baby walker thing, to say it was a horrible idea is an understatement.

We had 2 dogs and as soon as a learned how to use the walker I followed them everywhere just to grab their tails, I also made it my mission to begin tormenting my brother and so, the sibling rivalry began.

To my families disappointment I was fully walking at 9 months old and began running a little after turning 1. From that point on my purpose in life was to be a problem and cause chaos.

We lived in a small town with only about three thousand people so everybody knew everybody. My family was known for a-lot of things, manly that my dad was a criminal but it was OK because he helped build the town. My mom was an alcoholic and then me, I was the "devil child"

Growing up I never really had any rules, my mom was kind of the only parent I had, my dad was more of a friend when he wasn't working and never took part in parenting my brother and I. My parents definitely had favorites and it showed. Me and dad, my mom and my brother.

When I started preschool the chaos began, I still feel bad for the teachers, I was known for getting into trouble, running away, starting fights and cursing out my teachers when I felt they were in the wrong. I was taught to always respect grownups, and I did...except for my parents and teachers.

From the age of 5 I was out of the house from the time I woke up and normally didn't return until 11pm. My mom was used to it and my dad didn't care. Though, once I didn't arrive home until 2:30am and when I walked up the driveway I was faced with around 40 people all freaking out and when they saw me everyone just froze, that night my parents screamed at me for hours while I just sat there laughing my head off.

When I started school I spent almost every day at the principal's office, we quickly became good friends and he would let me read comics while he worked. The school gave up on calling my mom when I was 8, they knew no matter the discipline, I wouldn't learn my lesson.

Some of the things I did were accidental like when my teacher broke her leg after falling over the mountain of backpacks I had made (don't take away a child's recess) or when I spilled my drink over her computer.

Most of the stuff I did was when the teacher left me unsupervised. For example:

1- placed tacks in her chair after she banned me from the Christmas play (I was just trying to sing along, wasn't my fault they sang the wrong words)

2- took two of the wheels from under her chair causing her to crash to the ground while I couldn't stop laughing. (OK to be fair she kind of had that coming after confiscating my beanie)

3- I super glued everything on her desk to the walls, floor and windows. (No reason I was just bored and had nothing else to do)

Outside of school I was probably worse or at least enough to get picked up by the police more often than not, but no biggie we became buddies after the 4th time and they got used to my antics, we normally hung out for a couple of hours until my mom came home from work.

The first time they actually put me in cuffs was when I was 9 after I broke into my childhood home (in my defense I was just looking around the place and it wasn't like anyone was living there) that was apparently a crime scene, (which I didn't know at the time) after someone overdosed at a party that was held by my, oh so amazing father.

The 2nd, 3rd and 4th time was for getting into fights and sending the assholes to the ER, but they always let me go, after explaining to them that those assholes were bullying my brother, and that they threw the first punch (never be the one to start a fight but always be the one to finish it).

Even though my brother is 6 years older than me he has always been a softie and tries to resolve problems by talking. Me? I know it doesn't always work that way so I just broke their nose and most definitely their dignity, loosing a fight to a girl who's 6 years younger than you, really bruised their egos and macho man status in school. After that my brother and I were left in peace.

Most of my other run-ins with the police were little things like, "don't be out after curfew " or "wear a helmet while riding a bike" or "you're too young to be drinking".

They always found a reason to ruin my fun, like, I get that I am 11 but come on there's nothing to do in this town and I'm not hurting anyone other than my brain cells, which by the way weren't that many to begin with.

A few weeks after the drinking incident my mom was forced to take me to a psychiatrist where I was diagnosed with anxiety and severe depression, adding a little *spice* to my life and I love it......they also tried diagnosing me with ADHD but by the time they finished explaining it to my mom I was long gone, what can I say? I was extremely bored and had more important things to do.
(I got the diagnosis 10 years later, guess you can't run away from all of your problems, just some)

But with that being said and now that you know a little more about me let's get onto the shitshow called life.

This is my first story and I honestly don't know, but HEY thank you for reading

I myself have ADHD so I'll probably use examples from personal experience other than that I hope you have a wonderful day

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