Uh...Katieee 26

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HOW the bloody hell did this happen?

WHEN did this bloody hell happen?

I don't know what to do...

I don't know what to think...

I don't even know what to fucking say...

We're gonna have to go back in time, to when I actually thought I had some kind of a plan or, at the very least, an idea of what my life would look like, and what time was that?

That would be in the early hours of yesterday morning.

I woke up at about noon, had nothing to do so I was just chilling, sitting on the sofa, sipping tea, eating sweets, you know, just the normal daily life of a professional athlete on the 26th of December.

Everything was fine. My plans and ideas were simple.


25th—Do nothing except watch TV all day and call El. Maybe give Katie and Leah a call if I feel like being a nice person.

26th—Pick Katie up from the airport, because I'm a nice person, at 8:50am. Hang with Katie, watch TV, come up with a few pranks and call El.

27th—Do nothing except watch TV all day with Katie. Maybe open the door if Leah forgets her keys. Call El.

28th—Clean the whole apartment and make Katie help, remember to vacuum. Pick up El from the train station at 3:45pm. Go home and have dinner with El, Leah and Katie.

See everything was planned out perfectly and I was following it.

Willingly...I was willing following a plan willingly.

But life likes to fuck you in the ass sometimes, maybe it's to teach you a lesson but more often than not, I think it's just testing my bloody limits...

Yesterday (26th) went just as planned and today was on the same track. Yesterday morning I went to pick up Katie from the airport, (I even got there early) we picked up some food on the way home and we just watched movies and talked.

I was in a good mood, I was happy to have Katie back, excited about Leah coming home tomorrow and then El would come back in two days. But ultimately the best thing in my opinion is that we didn't have any training for the next few days.

All of what was happening in the next few days was positive and I was happy.

Until life got into a silly goofy mood...deciding it would be fun to take a stick of TNT and blow up the bloody tracks.

December 27th (earlier today)
"I'm telling you mate. I think we should buy a monkey, it would be so cute aaand I've even been doing my research" I tell Katie.

We're watching a documentary about gorillas and I think it makes perfect sense.

"You know I support that idea but think about what El and Leah would do" she has a point there "You also know that they wear nappies...right" she asks.

"Yeah, like I said I've been doing research" I answer.

"Well...do you know how to change a nappy" she asks and I roll my eyes...she knows I don't know how to change a fucking nappy

"I thought so" she laughs.

"Bugger off, the only reason you know how to change a nappy is because you have like 20 siblings" I grumble out making her laugh even more.

"Do you know if something's open. I'm not in the mood to cook" she says once she calms down.

"Uuuh it's the 27th so probably not much" I say "Although I think that pizza place is open and they deliver" I say with a smile, I'm really proud of my self for remembering that.

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