Chicken wing 5

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"We're here at the star of the match between Arsenal and Reading, Arsenal's lineup looks very strong today"

"We have Zinsberger in goal. Williamson, Catley, McCabe and Wubben-Moy in defense. Wälti, Grey, Little and Queiroz in the midfield. Then we have Mead and Foord at the front"

10th minute
"Williamson sends a beautiful cross over the field, Wälti picks it up and is looking for support, making a run, Grey asks for it and receives it sending it straight to Foord"


38th minute
"It's Arsenals corner an McCabe steps up to take it. She sends it in but Reading manages to clear it"

"Or wait...they don't clear it well enough as it lands on Grey's feet, what will she do"

I receive the ball just outside the penalty area, I don't have much time to think so I just smash my foot through the ball.

Who could've guessed? It went in.

I run down the field straight into Kim's open arms, soon the rest of the team reaches us and jumps on my back.

"WHAT A ROCKET" Katie screams in my ear.

"Damn mate are you trying to burst my fucking eardrums" I laugh

We all split up and go to our starting positions, the rest of the half is uneventful, so when the whistle blows for halftime we happily make our way to the changing room.


"Going into halftime Arsenal is 2-0 up thanks to absolute rockets of goals from Foord and Grey"

49th minute
"McCabe is running down the pitch looking for a pass she sees Grey making a run and— ooof that looks like it hurt. Woodham goes in for the tackle but it looks like she missed the ball completely"

I see Katie about to pass and make the run, but the ball doesn't come. I look back and see Katie on the ground holding her ankle.

This is bad. Katie never stays down, normally she'd be up on her feet already picking a fight. Then I see who tackled her and my blood boils. That fucking bitch.

I run over to Katie, checking on her before standing up and walking straight over to Woodham.

I see red.

Right as I reach her I push her shoulder "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT" I ask her, the scream catches my teammates attention and they start to run over but it's too late, she's already on the ground.

Her teammates come up to us and start screaming and pushing me, I go to push them back but get dragged behind Leah as Kim talks to the ref.

We both receive a yellow card, which doesn't surprise me, but she deserves a red. If I was the one who committed that foul I would've gotten a straight red.

"WTF ref that is a straight up red, she was trying to injure her" I know I shouldn't argue and should instead walk away, but where's the fun in that?

"Pipe it down Grey or do you want the yellow to turn into a red? It's my decision not yours" is he trying to make me punch him?

Once again I'm dragged away and I go to check on Katie "Hey mate you alright" I ask her and she nods.

"Yeah all good, great even, I'm winning the bet" of course that's her answer "but thanks for defending me, although it was pretty stupid" she grins.

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