I hate you 55

868 22 3

Sara's pov

El's due to give birth any day now so that's fun...

Except for the fact that she's been on my ass 25/8 and has literally tried to kill me. I wasn't even doing anything, I was just sitting on the sofa with Harry and Katie when suddenly, El comes in with a panicked looking Leah not far behind. Leah and Katie took Harry to Amanda's house which left me alone with my very pregnant girlfriend that was close to killing me.

Do you wanna know why?

It doesn't matter I'm still going to tell you.

She was mad about the fact we haven't had sex in a month, which by the way, is bloody impossible due to her stomach being bigger than a tractor tire...

So yeah, now I can tell people that sex almost killed me.

Anyway...got a bit sidetracked...

We're playing against Chelsea today so I'm getting warmed up along with the others. Viv and Beth are back on the pitch and Beth's in the starting lineup which is amazing.

"How are we feeling today" Katie asks me as she along with Beth, Wally and Lessi are jogging alongside me.

Lessi's also an Arsenal player which I'm happy about, now we only need Ella and then the real chaos can start.

I can already imagine the chaos that Katie, Ella and I could create...

"I'm feeling good. I think it's going to be an interesting game" I say as we come to a stop.

"When's El's due date" Wally asks.

"Uhh I think it's in 3 days" I say since I don't exactly know and the doctor told us that it would most likely not happen before the 13th of December.

"Have you gotten everything sorted" Lessi asks me while we start dribbling the ball through cones.

"Yeah almost. Katie and I still haven't put together the bassinet but we're doing it after the game" I tell her.

We finish warmups and go back into the changing room to get our kits on. I'm starting on the left wing and I couldn't be happier about the fact that Millie isn't starting since we have the habit of getting into some nasty tackles.

Katie however, gets to spot her bestie in the Chelsea team which is Cuthbert.

I don't even know how many yellow cards they've gotten from tackling each other...

"Girls" Jonas says as we gather around to listen to his pre game speech "We know that Chelsea is a good team and we know that they are a physical but I know that we have what it takes to beat them. Let's go out there and play our best football, use what we've been practicing in training and follow the game plan. You know what set-pieces to use so use them" he continues on but I may have zoned out after hearing the main part of it...


I send a beautiful cross over to Lessi in the 6th minute which she passes to Pelova, who then passes it off to Beth.

And what a beautiful sight that was.

Bethe fakes out most of their defense and sends Berger to the ground before putting it into the net.

"WHAT A BEAUTY THAT WAS" I yell as I get to her and shake her shoulders.

Ilestedt gets a goal in the 36th minute and 2 minutes later Lessi finally gets her goal.

We go out for the second half and me being me, decides to get under the skin of my national teammate.

It was smart and stupid at the same time...

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