The bet 4

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Last night went better than I expected. Leah was still a little annoyed with us but soon forgave us when we let her pick the movie and what to eat. Katie and I were on our best behavior as to not give her another reason to make her mad.

Today is game day. We all woke up way too early and decided we'd just have breakfast at the club. Leah went with Beth and Viv, leaving Katie and I in a car together.

We were the last ones to arrive, no surprise, so when we walked into the canteen I announced our presence "Good morning oldie locks, how are we feeling this morning"

Maybe it wasn't their day today, judging by the answers I got.

"SARA", "shut up", "it's too damn early" some of them groaned out, but my favorite was what Kim asked "Sara Grey, did you just call me old" she asked and I knew I fucked up.

"Hiiii Kimmy, no of course I didn't call you old I said GOLDY locks" I gave her my best smile, and she let it go. Thank you God.

Katie and I sat with Leah, Kim, Beth, Viv, Steph and Caitlin.

"Why do you all look like death" I asked them "did you all sync up or something is it that time of the month" I really need to learn when to shut up.

Katie burst into laughter, the others just gave me death stares and to make matters worse Gio decided to throw me more under the bus making them angrier "Yeah Sara what was it you said yesterday" she asked and I prayed she would shut up. She didn't "Oh I remember you said and I quote "They drain my will to live" isn't that right" might as well just start digging my grave.

"In my defense Katie agreed with me" I said trying to calm them down or at least dividing their anger by two.

"SARA", "KATIE", "WTF" they screamed at the same time. Before I could even blink they began standing up and I knew I was in trouble, but my guardian angel, Katie, grabbed me by the shoulder and dragged me out where we made a run for the bus to up our chances of living.

Everyone got on the bus, resulting in K and I to get smacked a few times. Then we got ready for the journey "The papers you were given yesterday are a rough draft of the game plan and set-pieces, go over them on the way to the stadium to prepare" Jonas told us, FUCK.

I look at Katie and she's already looking at me, we have silent debate which I lose, so now I have to ask if someone is willing to help us out.

I'm really starting to regret making those airplanes.

Help me lord.

I look around and see Leah looking at her papers, and decide, why not?

Sitting next to her I wrap my arms around her waist and say "You know I didn't mean that earlier, sometimes I just speak before I can think it through, you're not draining my will to live and I really love you" I meant everything I said and fingers crossed she forgives me and helps me out.

"I know what you're doing y'know" fuck "But I also know you meant what you said, so, if you and Katie want to look at the papers you can" oh thank goodness it worked.

"Thank you so mu—" I went to say.

"BUT" there's always a 'but' with her "You have to sit separately for the rest of the journey" damn I really want to sit with Katie, but we also really need to read those papers.

"Ok, fine, you win" i give up.

After 20 minutes I'm getting bored and being talking out loud, again, not thinking "I think I'm going to get baptized" I wonder out loud.

Leah looks at me with a look I can't decipher "Do you even know which religion baptizes their children, or even what it means" she asks me still with that same look.

"Eeeh...Canadians" it comes out more like a question rather than a statement.

Silence, pure silence.

Finally she says "Oh god...I actually can't with you...I-I give up" shock value should really me my middle name

"Aww then you're really just like my mom" that came out way too quickly.

"Sara...that the fuck" she stutters out, like I said, middle name.

The rest of the journey was relatively quiet and not too long. We get off the bus and walk towards the changing room to get ready before the match.

We are up against Reading today and we know that we can beat them, they are very physical but so are we.

Katie and I are both in the starting lineup which we found out on the bus. After examining the pitch and getting dressed Jonas walks in to give his pre game speech.

"Girls you know we can do this and we can walk away with a win, we've been working hard and gone over every set-piece we may need. Go out there and work hard but most importantly have fun and enjoy yourselves" thinking he was done I start to walk away, but then he continues "and one last thing, Sara and Katie remember that bet you have? The pot is up to 110 pounds and Katie is currently winning. Try to play nice" he begs.

Ahhh the bet. Me and Katie have an ongoing bet on who ends um getting the fewest cards this season, I think the others are using our competitiveness to get us to watch ourselves and keep our cool, Katie is currently on 4 yellows and I have 3 yellow and 1 red after pushing the ref. (He was an absolute asshole and I believe he was rooting for the other team). Anyway I want to believe I'm on 4 cards not 5 because I got a straight red and not two yellows and for every card we have to put 10 pounds in a jar.

Katie came up to me and as we walked towards the tunnel she said "I'm so winning this bet you don't have a chance"

Always so cocky.

"I still only have 4 cards, you lot are just delusional, and we all know about that one player, you know who I'm talking about" I say, knowing it'll rile her up.

You see after K and Rue split up K had a one night stand with a Reading player, K was an asshole and left in the middle of the night after the poor girl fell asleep and hasn't talked to her since.

"Shut up" she told me, pushing me forward straight into Jen who turned around unpleased with our behavior while we gave her our best smiles. Then I punched K in the tit right before we started walking out.

Talking about being saved by the bell.

Shaking hands with the other players, I noticed THE girl skip over K and giving her a scowl. This will be so fucking fun.

Walking past Katie to get into position I gently nudged her "I don't want to brag but I think it's fair to say the bet isn't going in your favor today" and then I walked away.

"Shut your mouth Grey" she scowled out making me giggle.

"Don't be getting your panties in a twist, you know you love me" I call back giving her a cheeky wink. I'm absolutely loving the chaos I'm creating.

Let the games begin McCabe.


Sara plays CM

I slept over all my alarms this morning and completely forgot about my nieces birthday party. Instead I baked cookies and ate them for breakfast would recommend 10/10

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