Sweep me off my feet 20

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All conversation in the flashback is in Icelandic


Today Lucy woke up and chose violence or at least that's what I'm going with and not the fact I woke up and realized I left my meds in Ireland...

"Wake up...drank"

"Stand up...drank"

"Sit down...drank"

"Pass out...dra—"

"For the love of all that's holy will you please just SHUT UP" Luce says, throwing a pillow at me.

Like I said, violence.

"That isn't even in the right order it goes...sit down, stand up, pas—" Ella gets cut off by a different pillow, this time, Leah is the one to throw it.

"Please do not encourage her Toone" Leah says "Sara, go get ready, we have to leave in a few" she tells me.

When I'm ready we go down to the bus and I sit next to Leah. Of course after having to go back up to the room since I forgot I played football and I need my boots to do that.

When we're FINALLY, on the way to the game I text El, letting her know we're on the bus and while I'm talking to her, G pops her head over my shoulder since she's sat behind us with Keira.

"Who's got you all distracted with your phone" she asks "And who's El" she asks this question unnecessarily loudly.

The only ones here who know about El are the Arsenal girls, so, unfortunately when G says that, Lucy, Ella Lessi, Keira, Mills and Rach all turn their heads in our direction.

"Come on mate" I slump further into my seat and cover my face with my hands.

"Does the kiddo have a girlfriend" Rach teases and for the next few minutes I stay slumped down while they continue their teasing.

"That's ENOUGH" Lucy says in a loud voice "Leave the kid alone she'll tell us when she's ready, for now focus more on the game and less on Sara's love life" I honestly didn't expect her to say that, maybe I'm off the hook for not telling her...

"You're not off the hook kid, we'll talk after the game" spoke too soon.

We're doing our warmups, Leah and I are sending long-balls to Beth and Hempo which they try to control and then they send them back. When that's done with we get ready and soon enough the whistle is blown, signaling the start of the game.

I know a few of the Icelandic players and I think they forgot that I could understand them.

We get a little brake after Ella got tackled and I hear the other team talking about changing their strategies.

"Oi..girls" I say in a low voice "They're going to switch the formation to 4-3-4 and instead of building up from the the back, they're going to send long balls over our midfield. They'll be attacking fast and they probably want to get the ball to nr 23" I tell them what I heard.

I was right.

I'm running back to help the defense but clearly they don't want me as they easily clear the ball. G sent me a good pass and I'm just about to pass it off to Hempo when my feet get swept from underneath me.

I look up to see Glódís standing over me "You know just how to sweep me off my feet" I say with a cheeky smile.

"Nice to see you haven't lost your humor Sara" she helps me up and pulls me into a hug whispering "We'll catch up later"

I was right, they think that I've forgotten the language since they all talk to me in English.

The game finishes 5-0 to us with Beth getting 2, Hempo got 1 and surprisingly Leah and Mills got one each. I got the assist for one of Beth's goals and another for Hempo's.

"How are you Gló" I ask her with a smirk, ar first she looks confused but then quickly catches on.

"You heard us change our game plan didn't you" she's so smart "Nice to see you're still the same...except for the, getting into trouble or showing up for training high or drunk of your ass" she says and you know what?

I'll take it as a compliment.

She doesn't need to know I'm still getting myself into trouble, just the more innocent type of trouble

"You still going on about that" I laugh "I thought it was hilarious and if you ask Jane, she'll probably agree with me" I tell her remember the incident she's probably referring too.


I just woke up and I don't know where I am or how I got here. I check the time on my phone, barely seeing it but when I do, I know I fucked up.


Practice starts at 10am and I don't even know where I am....Gló is going to kill me.

When I finally get there, I run onto the pitch, half an hour late and go up to the coach "I'm so sorry, my car broke down on the way and I had to call my brother" I say.

Of course it's not the truth but he doesn't need to know that I'm too intoxicated to tell time, much less drive a car.

He gives me a nod and tells me to go warm up and that I'll have to run 5 extra laps after practice. I walk up to Gló, who's conveniently talking to Jane, my childhood best friend.

"I don't even want to know" Gló says "You should drink some water and maybe get a coffee, you need to sober up...before you try and argue, yes I can tell" she always has been able to tell when I'm on something.

Practice is almost finished and let's just say I was on my ass more often than not. I managed to run into the goal post (still scoring), fall over the ball, trip over my feet and overall..I just wasn't making any sense.

Most of the team finds it funny, especially Jane, she's been laughing her ass off witnessing my misery.

Gló on the other hand looks about ready to kill me...let's just hope I survive the rest of the day so I can get out of here.

Flashback over

We continue talking and I even get the chance to talk to Jane, we had a pretty bad fallout, it was just before I went to rehab.

She walked into the bathroom, finding me on the floor after overdosing. When she found me my pulse was very weak and while she was waiting for the ambulance my heart stopped. She gave me CPR and was told to make me throw up.

That was the day she saved my life but it was also the last day I saw her, she went with me in the ambulance and sat by my side for hours.

When I finally woke up I said to her "You know you shouldn't be here, go back to your perfect life with your perfect family, it's not like you even care about me" after that they locked me up in the psych ward and I cut all ties, completely ignoring her existence.

After our catch up the team goes back to the hotel, some of them decided to go out to celebrate but Leah, Keira, Lucy and Georgia decided to hang back with me. We watched a movie and Lucy made me promise to sit beside her on the flight tomorrow to tell her about El.

This trip went better than I expected, I couldn't be more grateful for the girls who've helped me through so much bullshit and are still by my side...is this what a family should be like?

Right before I can fall asleep I receive a text from El...

-I need to talk to you
-Text me when you're back


Maybe I spoke too soon....



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