Talk 13

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Tonight is the last night before El has to go home. I'm driving her to the train station tomorrow morning before going to practice.

We still need to have the talk about our relationship, or whatever you'd call it and I have a feeling she knows that we need to have a talk.

I hear the shower turn off, so I know she'll be out soon. Not even 10 minutes later she comes out wearing my shorts and one of my England shirts. Got to admit, she looks amazing in my clothes.

Bringing me back to reality she speaks up "Sooo I think we both know we need to have a talk" oh how right you are.

"Yeah...I know" I don't really know how to start this conversation but I try "I want you to know that I've really, really, enjoyed spending time with you, and I also want you to know that I want to keep spending time with you" I tell her truthfully.

I've never felt the way I do when I'm around El, it's almost like she has this hold on me, and to tell you the truth, I don't want her to let go.

"I feel the same way" she says "At first I was afraid that staying at y—" When she says this I immediately lose all concentration.

I start singing out loud without even thinking about it "At first I was afraid, I was petrified. Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side. But then I spent so many nights thinking how you did me wrong, and I grew strong and I learned HOW TO GET ALONG"

She noticed that I wasn't listening and had lost all concentration. She paused before glaring at me and only then did I notice I was singing it out loud.

"Sorry" I say sheepishly.

"It's fine, I get that you can't always control it" she gives me a smile before continuing where she left off "As I was saying. I was afraid that we were moving too fast when I came to stay here but I now realize that me staying here gave us the chance to get to know each other better" she finishes.

"I think that's good" it comes out more as a question. Some people don't like me after getting to know me so I'm unsure as to if she means it in a good way or a bad way.

"It is" she laughs "I like you....a lot, and if you want to, I'm willing to see where this goes" she smiles which I reciprocate.

I give her a kiss before asking "Sooo, is this you saying we're dating" I question with a smirk.

She laughs and gives me a nod before bringing me into a passionate kiss. When we pull away I bring her into a hug, lying down on the bed. She snuggles into me and rests her head by my neck.

I'm really falling for this girl.


We woke up at 7am and I just dropped El off at the train station. It's now 9:28am and I just about made it in time for training to start.

I really need to work on my time management skills.

Today we're doing fitness testing, meaning, the beep test. I hate it more than anything.

It's so boring, just running back and forth until you either can't or you finish the test, which I normally do.

The goalies, defenders and midfielders are normally the first ones out. After we reached level 5 all the goalies were out. We're now on level 7 and the defenders are mostly out except Katie and Leah.

We are about to start the final level and the ones left are, Viv, Cait, Lina, Stina and I. Cait drops out first, reaching the start of level 10, shortly after Stina and Lina drop out.

I see Viv starting to slow down so I do the same, but right as the next beep sounds, I pick up the pace. Now I'm the only one left and I intend to finish this shit.

Momma didn't raise no bitch...

Well she didn't even raise me...

I didn't raise no bitch. Yeah that sounds about right.

I finally heard the end speech so I started to walk around. Don't need to make it any worse by getting a cramp.

Kim comes over and makes me drink the water with added electrolytes (or as some would say Yucky stuff). I chuck it down and then take a seat, stretching my legs.

"I'll never understand why you put yourself through that kind of torture" Katie says as she sits next to me.

"I like the pain. Makes me feel alive" I tell her.

"I still have that number from that therapist, think you should give her a call" I can't tell if she's serious or not.

"Been there done that, don't need someone to tell me I'm mentally unstable. I have all of you to help remind me" I give her a sickeningly sweet smile.

"You worry me" she laughs, then Leah and Beth come over and join in with our conversation.

"You're right. You have all of us here to support you" Leah says.

"Why'd you feel the need to make it all soppy" I ask her.

Beth laughs at our banter before saying "We don't even need to remind you that often, the shit that comes out of your mouth is enough of a reminder" she says making us laugh harder, Leah on the other hand, walks off to join in with a more 'mature' conversation.

She's so done our shit.


I arrived home 20 minutes ago and the house feels empty without El being here. I wouldn't admit it out loud but I enjoyed having someone to come home to.

It's at times like these I enjoy knowing Katie. I call her and we plan to meet up at a coffee shop nearby.

I just got to the cafe and see Katie sitting in the back, I put in my order and go to sit down while they're preparing it.

"Hey K, what's up" I ask

"Nothing much. What do you have planned for the end of the season" she asks me, making me have to think about it.

What am I going to do? I could go on vacation, or visit my family.....

Vacation it is!!

"I'll probably go on vacation, haven't really thought about it" I tell her

"That sounds nice, might just join you. I don't have anything else planned, except maybe going back to Ireland for a week" only Katie would invite herself without permission.

"I'll let you know what I decide, just be prepared for a short heads up" I tell her, already knowing I'll probably book the tickets a day or two before we leave.

We finish our drinks and take a walk around the park. The weather is nice today, and as we're walking,we talk about whatever comes to mind, not having anywhere to be, just enjoying each other's company.

When I get home I make some dinner and watch a few episodes of Bones before texting El while getting ready for bed. After an hour of random thoughts I finally fall asleep.

Even though the day started off shitty the end wasn't that bad.

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