The death of me 7

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BTW: this book is just for fun I don't mean to offend anyone and Sara and Elyse are my own characters. If you don't like something don't read it, let's all try to be decent human beings and respect each other. I know it's hard for some 😉

I should've probably put all this in the beginning of the book but I'm going to say it's because I'm special and not because I completely forgot.


We just finished training for the day and I'm walking with Viv back to my car, as hers is parked right next to mine. I've been debating whether or not I should tell her about Elyse and right now I think it's for the best.

I'm freaking out, I'm supposed to pick her up from the train station in about an hour and I'm starting to doubt if it was the right decision to offer her my guest room.

"Hey Viv" she hums in reply "Can I get your opinion about something? But you can't tell anyone...not even Beth" I always go to Viv when I need advice on something. I trust her with almost all of my secrets.

I would also trust Leah, Beth and Katie with my life but they have a big mouth and I don't need anyone knowing about Elyse just yet. Hence why I'm asking Viv for her opinion.

"Yeah, sure kid. You alright" again with the nickname, I should probably just accept the fact that I'll always be the 'kid'

"So...I've been talking to this girl for about a month and we get on really well, we met after the game against Reading and we've been talking since" I pause, should I really tell her?

"Go on...I'll keep it between us" she says.

Here goes nothing.

"She's coming to London today and I maybe, kind of offered her my guest room and now I'm freaking out" I rush out.

She doesn't reply straight away so me being me start to overthink it. Does she think it's a bad idea? Am I right about being nervous?

But before I can retract my statement she finally answered.

"Do you like her" I nod "Ok, then I don't think it's too bad" she says "Are you worried about her finding out about your secret" of course she asks that. She knows me too fucking well, it's kind of scary.

"Yeah....what if she'll hate me and wants nothing to do with me" it's a fair question I have been put through some shit for being the way I am.

"Don't worry kid, if she has stuck around this long I don't see why she'd have a problem with it" wait what!?

"Oi, what is that supposed to mean" I'm kind of offended.

She laughs at me before answering "You know what I mean kid. Something you have a problem with keeping your mouth shut, or you forget that thinking is a thing you're supposed to do" she does have a point so I hum in agreement.

"So you don't think it's too soon" I ask her, I honestly don't know, I've never had feelings for anyone, always just had meaningless hook-ups.

"Nah, you'll be fine, just don't keep it from her for too long. If you really see this going somewhere you have to tell her sooner or later" and with that we've reached my car. I hug her and tell her goodbye before getting in the car.

Well here goes nothing, just have to not fuck it up. I can do that can't I?


I just arrived at the train station and I'm waiting for her by my car, should I have brought her flowers?

Fuck what am I doing?

Before I can carry on with my overthinking I hear her soft voice

"Sara, hi. Thank you for picking me up" she comes up to me and gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey love, how was the trip" I ask her.

She looks beautiful she's wearing mom jeans, a white top tucked into the side and a brown jacket to finish off the look.

"It was fine, nice and quiet so I spent most of it reading my book" I'll never understand people who like reading, I don't have the attention span to finish a whole sentence, and if I do I'll have to read it again because I saw a random word that made me start to think of something else.

But I've gotten used to my brain being in a silly goofy mood.

I seriously need to stop watching TikTok.

Or at least do something other than watching TikTok

"That's good, are you ready to go" I ask "We can stop and grab something to eat on the way or do you have something to do" I suggested.

"That sounds good and no I'm all yours for today" she gives me a wink and I open the door for her before putting her bags in the boot.

I can already tell she'll be the death of me and I think she does too.


We just got home, I offered to take her bags upstairs while she dishes out the Italian we got.

I come back downstairs, when I see she's already taken our dishes to the living room and put them on the coffee table and gotten herself comfortable on the couch trying to figure out how to work my TV.

"How the heck does this work? You couldn't have gotten a more complicated TV could you" she asks me. I just laugh, walking over I take the remote from her and turn it on Disney+

"My teammates said the same thing, and to be honest with you it took me a while to figure out how to work it, I don't even remember buying it, it just showed up on my doorstep when I came home from training one day" ahhh the lovely perks of ADHD, have you ever just bought something crazy and don't remember it the next day?


Well welcome to my chaotic life, this is like a normal Tuesday for me.

"How can you not remember buying a whole ass TV" she asks, and it's a fair question.

"I don't know, it just happens sometimes. Leah actually confiscated my card one time after I'd forgotten to take my meds for a week and the next day in training we showed up and there was a brand new Audi in the parking lot" I told her remembering the 2 hour lecture I got from Leah, Kim and Jen.

Being the queen she is, Katie came to my rescue and we took it for a test drive.

"I'm starting to think you have too much money for your own good either that or you're neck deep in debt" she's right I have to much money for my own good but that happens when you forget about it until you do something stupid.

"You're probably right, the only time I remember that I have money is when I do stuff like that" I thought out loud.

We finished our dinner and settled more on the couch, at first we were on opposite sides of it but then slowly we unknowingly got closer together and before I realized she was cuddled into me, her head resting on my chest.

That's when I realized, I should probably tell her about my situation.

It's better to get the awkwardness and questions out of the way sooner rather than later.

Lord if you do exist please help me out here and I promise you I'll be a nicer person.



If you know you know if you don't then sorry for the cliffhanger 😬

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