Future us problems 59

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2 years later

You know that place I asked El to marry me?


We don't go there anymore because El says it's cursed.

But in other news, we're now a family of 6.

That night the condom broke and El forgot to take her birth control pills for a few days and I ended up 'knocking her up' with twins.


Training is thankfully over for today so I can finish my extra laps for miscalculating a prank.

I honestly didn't know that Jonas was going to come into the locker room and I was waiting on Katie.

So it technically isn't my fault that he got a bucket full of water poured over him and let's not forget the ice cubes that had been poured into the bucket...

Just for that 10 ext-

"SARA RUUUUN" I look behind me and see a furious looking El with Katie and Leah trying to calm her down.

"I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING...NOT TO EL" I clarify but either way I think it's a good idea to run.


I've never seen her so mad before and I'm terrified, she never curses so much, Leah catches up with her and stops her so I slowly make my way over to Katie.

"What the bloody hell did I do" I ask her and she just pats my back before walking away.

Leah makes her way over to me with El next to her and she's crying so I go over to her and hug her.

"I HATE YOU" she yells into my chest "YOU'RE A BLOODY ASSHOLE" and now she's slapping me...

"Ok, I know all that but can you tell me what I did wrong" I calmly ask.

"You knocked me up again" she cries out into my chest while I have a stupid smile on my face "I hate you" she says.

"And I love you so very much" I kiss her and she looks at me with a smile before getting mad again.

"We're having bloody twins you asshole" she slaps my hand "YOU KNOCKED ME UP WITH FUCKING TWINS AND IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF THAT STUPID LAKE" she yells before hugging me again and crying into my chest.

This is giving me flashbacks of the shower incident...


We moved our wedding until after the birth and got married 6 months ago. El was mostly just mad about having to move the wedding and be a mother of 4 before she turned 25...


Harry's turning 6 in a few months, Daniella is turning 3 a few months after Harry's birthday and the twins, Olivia and Noah, turn 2 a week ago.

The only reason I know this, is because El has put up a timeline on the fridge with all of their birthdays and stuff.

I thought they were all a year older...

"Sara get your ass under this table" Katie whisper shouts before dragging me under the table.

"Sorry" I whisper back "Are you sure they know it was us" I ask her and she nods.

We are soook fucking dead...

We threw a fart bomb into the changing room before the girls got in after our training and we also may have hung up horrible pictures of everyone in the team...

We put them fucking everywhere.

"GRAY" "MACCABE" fuuuuck

"We are so fucking dead" I tell her.

"I'm too young to die" she says.

"What do you mean" I ask "You're bloody ancient and close to retirement" I say and she looks a bit mad.

I have a talent for making things worse...

"Fuck you" she punches me.

"Bloody hell mate the fuck is wrong with you" I say as I punch her back

We're now rolling on the floor, punching each other...

"STOP IT YOU TWO" we both stop and look at El, Leah, Viv, Lia, Cait and Lessi.

"What the heck are you doing" El asks as they help us up and we start walking towards medical.

"Katie's a pussy who can't take the truth" I say as I send Katie a dirty look.

"You're an asshole that needs to be shut up every once in a while" she claps back.

"Fuck you at least I'm not ancient" I say with a smirk.

"You bloody wanker" she goes to punch me but Leah stops her.

"Pack it in the both of you or you'll not live to see another day" El sternly says.

We both get patched up and I even get a few stitches. Katie and I made up an hour later and since we weren't allowed in training, we picked up my kids early. We went home and sat on the sofa, watching American Dad.

After dinner Katie went home so El and I put the kids to bed before going up to our room to watch TV and cuddle.

"Thank you" I say as I kiss her cheek and she looks at me.

"What for honey" she asks as she puts all of her attention on me and takes my hand.

"For everything" she gives me a confused look so I continue "I don't think you realise it, but you saved me El. Without you I wouldn't have the family or the life that I have and I'd probably not have football anymore. You've helped me so much through the years, from dealing with my family, learning how to show my feelings, teaching me how to raise our kids and helping me with the urges, flashbacks and breakdowns I've had. I wouldn't be alive without you and before you came, I was surprised by making it to 21. Now I'm 25 and I have an incredible life with my family, with my wife, kids and friends...so thank you El. I love you more than anything in the universe" I tell her as I pull her into a hug and kiss her forehead.

"Thank you too love. I wouldn't have the life I have if I didn't have you and even though I'm still bloody mad about having to push 3 of your big headed kids out of my vagina I'd still go through it all again if it means I'll get to spend my life with you" she says with tears in her eyes and I even have a couple of them.

My future problems aren't my own anymore but rather they're ours.

Future us problems.....


You've reached the end of the book so to wrap it up, let's all take a moment of silence and sing the national anthem.

I love booze,
Booze loves me
Holy shit i have to pee im so smashed im falling on the floor
Alcoholic dinosaur.


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