So fucking much 21

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I didn't get much sleep last night so waking up this morning was like a real life nightmare (I would rather have walked through hell on my own free will) and it didn't get any better as the day went on.

When I got that text from El last night I completely shut down, my thoughts got the better of me and if it wasn't for the fact I was surrounded by my teammates I probably wouldn't be sober anymore.

That sentence brought back memories which I thought I had locked away somewhere in my brain a long, long, time ago.

To help you get a better understanding of the situation let me bring you back to my lovely childhood.


Age 4
"I need to talk to you" my mother says to me as she walks into my bedroom I give her a nod telling her to continue.

I don't think I've done anything but who knows?

"You can't tell anyone what happened last night or daddy will go to prison...he didn't mean to do what he did, you know he loved Tito and he just misses him" she tells me.

Tito was our dog, he died last night and when dinner was over daddy threw his plate at me. He said it's because I was too loud.


Age 6
"Sara, come here I need to talk to you" grandma calls me.

"You can't be going around accusing your grandpa of touching you, you know better than to lie" she slaps me across the face and tells me to go outside.


Age 9
"I need to talk to you about something" mom says to me, making me take a seat on the sofa

"Your friend got into an accident...I'm sorry I have to tell you this....he died" I don't know what to say so I just nod and walk away.

My best friend just died...the only person I could rely on....


Age 12
My aunt comes into my room and takes a seat next to me "I have to talk to you" she says.

This can't be good...

"Your brother is in the hospital" she says.

"Why" I ask her. She takes a deep breath before answering me.

"He tried to commit suicide" I'm not even surprised, I would do it to if I got the chance.


Age 17
Leah comes rushing into my room looking panicked "I need to talk to you" she pants out.

"Sure, you Ok" I ask her, knowing it's something bad.

"I got a call from Jonas....he told me to tell you that your grandma's in the hospital...she had a stroke" she says.

"Ok...." I say, taking a break before casually asking her "Is she dead"

"No....but she had a stroke....and she's in the hospital" she looks a bit confused by my reaction, or lack there of....

Probably expecting at least some sort of emotion. But you don't always get what you want.

"Ok" I say "Tell him to call me when she's dead and I'll send some flowers or whatever you're supposed to send" and with that being said I look back at my phone.

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