Ass stick 28

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First day back in training today and I'm still not out of bed...I'm going to blame it on Harry since this is the first time he's slept more than 3 hours without waking up.

We fell asleep on the couch last night watching Disenchantment, I woke up at around 1am, moved us upstairs and now it's 8:30am. I have 2 hours to get up, get the both of us ready and get to training.

When I finally manage to get out of bed, without waking Harry, I take a quick shower and get dressed. After that I go downstairs to start on breakfast before getting Harry's outfit ready and going back upstairs to wake him up.

He still hasn't slept in his own room yet, rather choosing to sleep in mine and even though I don't mind it, it would be nice to have the bed to myself. Not to mention when El stays over.

Anyway we're finally both ready and just on time to hear Katie honking at us.

"Morning mate, you look shit" I say. She looks like she hasn't slept all night "So who's the poor girl that's waking up alone today" I ask, sending her a knowing look.

"Oh shut up you bloke. For your information, not that it's any of your business, she does know that I've left" she informs me "What's up Harry, are you still making sure to keep this idiot on her toes" I love Katie's relationship with Harry, they're like best friends.

"Yes we watch enhanted" Harry said.

"Remember bud, no one should know about that except for us 3 alright" I say.

Katie and I might be letting him watch some shows with us that others (Leah and El) might say aren't appropriate for his age. But can you seriously tell me that you wouldn't laugh if a 1 year old would come up to you and call you a 'bloody idiot'?


"Yeah like mama said you gotta keep it between us" Katie reinforces "And for the love of go don't call anyone a bloody idiot please. I can't deal with the girls when they've got a stick up their ass" she grumbled out the last part making me laugh.

"Stick ass" Harry says making Katie and I hysterically laugh.

"This is going to come back to bite us in the ass you know that right" I tell her.

"I know but it's hysterical" she laughs.

We pull into the training ground and park the car, Katie gets the bags while I unbuckle Harry and pick him up. This'll be his first time meeting the girls. He has been talking to them through the phone, or rather they've been talking to him, he still doesn't talk much except to Le, El, K and I.

"You ready to meet the girls bud" I ask him, he gives me a nod before laying his head on my shoulder and I give him a kiss on the forehead "I love you bud and I'll be right here Ok. If they're bugging you just tell them to fuck off" I tell him.

I really shouldn't have said that....

We walk inside the canteen and the girls all quiet down "Well this is the best reception we've ever gotten isn't it Katie" I nudge her.

"Yeah it is, should've knocked someone up sooner" she says and we laugh. Harry still has his head on my shoulder.

"Well girls this is Harry and Harry these are my friends, the once you've been talking to" I introduce them but look down at Harry and gave him a kiss when introducing him to them.

"Fuck off" he says. I look at Katie and we both look like dear in headlights. I spot Leah and El, and let me just say, there isn't a single word in the dictionary that could describe how mad they are.

"Gray, McCabe come here please" Leah says.

If you can hear me god, please don't let me die today but if it has to happen at least let me have KFC 1 more time.

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