Nose bleed 33

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We're on our way to team bonding right now which means that anything could happen and that I'm also probably going to get myself into some sort of trouble.

We have our opening match tomorrow against Austria and after that, Harry's coming back to stay with me for the night.

The last few times I've talked to El she's been telling me that he's starting to miss me more and more. Hopefully it'll help him to get to stay with me, even though it's only for the night.

We make it to the chill room and most of the girls are already scattered around the room on the sofas and bean bags.

"Sup bitcheeeees" I say as I walk in.

If there's one thing I know how to do, it's how to make an entrance.

"Watch your mouth Gray" Lucy says.

"Always such a bloody spoil sport" I mumble out hoping she didn't hear me but from the smack I received I'm just going to assume I stand corrected.

We're playing truth or dare and so far I've jumped in the pool fully clothed, told El I've been fired, sang a song for Sarina and now I'm sitting on Keira's lap since we can't be nice to each other.

It's not my fault that she's so easy to rile up and also gets easily offended.

Ok maybe it is my fault...but in my defense it's really funny to watch.

On the other hand, I also get scolded or punched every time.

As you may have notice, I haven't picked truth yet and now the team has peer pressured me into picking it.

"Rate everyone playing, from your most to least favorite" Ella says with a mischievous smile.

"So only the ones who're playing" she nods "Ok starting from the top it's, Leah, Lessi, Lucy, Beth, Rach, Millie, Lotte, Jill, G, Ella, Hempo, Mary and last and probably least is Kei" I say and turn around giving her a wink.

I have my reasons for this ranking, for example today in training Mary took an awesome goal opportunity away from me, Hempo tackled me and G called me a dickhead, hence why they're so low on the list.

"Oi, you cheeky bitch" Kei says and pushes me on the floor.

We've always been like this, we love each other but also hate each other at the same time.

We're like siblings...

"Why am I not one of the top 5" Ella asks with an offended look and I just laugh at her.

"Because you asked me the question" I say before asking "Kei, truth or dare"

"Truth, I don't trust you enough to pick dare you'd probably tell me to kill someone" she's got a point.

"Ok, let's play then shall we" I say, thinking of the perfect question "If you could choose, who'd you rather want to kill. Leah or Georgia" I say knowing this will create some tension in the room.

Like I said I love to rile her up.

"You can't be serious they're my best friends" I just nod and lean more into her "Fuck you...if I had to choose I'd probably choose...ehh...G" she mumbles as she covers her face with her hands.

"Oooooh...what's she done" I tease her.

"Oi stop it Gray" Lucy pipes in.

Fucking spoil sport I'm telling you.

We continue on until I pick another truth, this time Keira's getting her revenge.

"What's the last reason you got arrested for and when" she asks knowingly.

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