Chapter 17 (end)

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The Doctor paces around the console anxiously, nibbling the tip of his thumb as Clara attempts to reassure him. "I'm sure she's fine, Doctor. Y/N's probably the most capable person I know," 1 pauses, glancing at Clara then to the TARDIS door. He resumes his pacing, seemingly growing more antsy. Clara sighs. "Seriously, you and I both know that she isn't easily beaten."

"Sure, yes. But that's only when she's not still thrumming with leftover regeneration energy! Hel her condition could cause her to pop from all that energy if she isn't careful," He stops sparing his watch a glance before turning to glare at the door. "Dammit, this is taking too long. I'm going to go see if she's okay." The Doctor darts towards the door, leaving Clara to shoot up from her seat and chase after him. He swings the door open violently and is met with the grinning face of the source of all his anxiety, his wife.

Y/N's arms are full of gifts and berries from the Sclerarins. The Doctor stands there stunned, running his eyes across Y/N's form, desperately searching for any signs of damage. Once satisfied, he pulls her into a tight hug, causing her to drop her items and reciprocate. She laughs breathlessly as The Doctor hugs her tighter. "Sorry I took so long love, they demanded I show them how to make those croissants. Then they kept piling me with so many gifts I almost suffocated. Speaking of..." Y/N pats The Doctor on the back and pulls away, reaching down to gather her dropped items. "Sorry." He mutters. Y/N smiles up at him. "Don’t be, you were worried."

Clara steps in breaking up the moment to help Y/N with her gifts. Standing after recollecting everything, The Doctor snatches Y/N's hoard, swiftly exiting the room to put the items away. "He was just about to go looking for you," Clara whispered. "I'm glad you're okay." The two women shared a smile, Y/N's shining in a soft, almost motherly way. "I'll go help put these away." Clara shuffles off, nodding at Dean as they pass each other at the door.


Sam huffs as he exits the spa, wiping a towel across his brow to mop up the accumulated sweat. He notices The Doctor moving past and juggling an array of unusual looking things. Sam steps out of the room fully just as Clara rushes after the gangly man. Sam looks on in confusion. "What are those?" He asks. Clara turns to look at him.

"Oh, these are gifts. Y/N's meeting went well, so they loaded her up with these in return for her teaching them how to make the croissants. The Doctor and I are helping put them away," She holds out a green kush-ball shaped berry, gesturing for Sam to take it. "Try one. They're actually quite nice. Like a mix of watermelon and durian, with the smell of a strawberry." Sam hesitantly takes the berry and rolls it around in his hand for a bit before popping it into his mouth. He grimaces.

"It's not really what I would usually go for, and I don’t think I would again if I'm honest." Clara shrugs. "Okay! Well, why don't you help us put them away? She was given quite the haul," She giggles, shoving a handful of berries into Sam's hands. "C'mon, before I lose him again." Clara speeds after The Doctor once again, this time, however, with a mildly confused Sam in tow.


Y/N closes the TARDIS door, turning to a disgruntled looking Dean who is sitting down on one of the passenger seats in the room. She moves to sit next to him and greets him with a motherly smile. "It went well," She starts. "Thank you for refraining from using violence. The Doctor and I have quite the problematic relationship with it, and we would rather not reconnect with that part of our past," Dean grunts in acknowledgement, avoiding eye contact with the woman next to him. "Penny for your thoughts, Dean?" She follows his gaze to the TARDIS console, the soft blue light pulsates and thrums soothingly. "It's comforting isn’t it," Y/N whispers, nodding towards the console when Dean looks at her. "Sometimes when The Doctor and our trusty companion Clara is asleep, I like to sit in here and think. Sometimes, I'll open the door and watch the stars if we're just drifting. Other times, I'll draw. But, mostly, I just think. Like I said earlier, I don't generally get a lot of quiet time, let alone to myself. So, it's nice to take some time to decompress, even if it's for a few moments." Dean sighs and leans back in his seat.

"I get it. This is probably the most downtime I've had in years. Sammy wants me to just stop and settle down. But hunting, it's all I know. I can barely remember a time when my family was just that. No hunting, no close escapes from death. Jesus, no being pulled out the depths of hell by a literal angel.  I want more than anything to just stop for a moment. Maybe have a small vacation, but I'm scared that the world will explode into armegeddon if I do. Sometimes, it seems like Sam, Bobby, and I are the only competent hunters out there," He laughs dryly. "God, I feel like such a sissy."

They sit in silence for a while, the passing of time being marked by the gentle whirring of the console. "The world seems to be in a constant state of ending for you, doesn't it?" Y/N asks, Dean only nods. "I can't say I know exactly how you feel. This 'hunting' thing isn’t exactly present in my universe, but I think I can empathise with feeling as though the world is forever ending. We lost our entire planet to something known as The Time War. The Doctor and I committed such atrocities that we will forever be regretful of. We lost our home, our friends and family. Our children," She exhales shakily. "Nearly every time I close my eyes, I see my home, my children burning, forever in agony. Lost to time," Y/N looks at Dean teary-eyed and lays a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Your world has not ended yet, Dean. If only for a day I implore you to spend a quiet moment to yourself and the ones you love. One small moment will be infinitely more relaxing spent without worry of the past or future."

"I'll think about it. Thank you, Y/N."

"It's nothing, Deanie boy," She stands, brushing herself off and quickly drying her eyes. She holds out a hand to Dean and helps him up. He groans, hearing the pop of his knees as he stands. "Let's go make sure The Doctor has put everything away properly."


"Right, that seems to be everything," Standing outside of the TARDIS on the soft grass of Illinois, The Doctor smacks his hands together, he swings a loose arm around Y/N's shoulders, leaning into her. "What are you two planning on doing now?"

"Getting back to hunting, I guess,"

"A vacation."

Sam and Clara whip around to face Dean, shocked. Y/N smiles to herself. "A vacation? Dean, are you okay? Like, seriously, dude, did you hit your head or something?" Dean shrugs.

"I'm A-OK Sammy, I thought about it, and a few days can't hurt. Maybe we go to Florida," Sam scrunches his face in disgust. "Disneyland Sammy!" Dean exclaims.

"Yeah, but in Florida?" He pauses. "You know what, fine, I'll take it. A vacation for us is a once in a lifetime thing, I'd rather have it in Florida than not at all." Dean fist bumps Y/N as Sam waves while trudging to the car.

"Thanks for everything, guys," Dean says before running off. "We're going to fuckin' Disneyland!"

The three watch as Sam and Dean speed off in baby, hearing Dean beep the horn as a final goodbye. "Are you ready to go home, Clara?" The Doctor asks. "I'm sure you're missing your cat." Clara nods, leading the couple behind her back into the TARDIS. Halfway through the door, Clara stops turning to look back at her friends.

"How are we supposed to get back into our universe?" She asks.

"Well," Y/N starts. "The way we came in, I suppose." The Doctor nods, barging past Clara and into the TARDIS pulling Y/N behind him, who, in turn, grasps Clara's hand, dragging her too.

The door clicks behind them as the classic warbling of the TARDIS begins.


The 11th Doctor x Reader: Just A Little Life Left (SPN, DW crossover)Where stories live. Discover now