Chapter 8

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"Y/N?" The Doctor repeats, again and again, each time the name slipping out of his mouth quicker than a snake slithering down a slide covered in olive oil.

Y/N's body lights up with regeneration energy for a few seconds calming The Doctor slightly when it stops suddenly making the room dark again. "Doctor, what's happening to Y/N?" Clara murmurs swiftly walking across the room to her collapsed friend.

"The TARDIS' life force must be too much for her, especially since she was already sick. I think that the piece of the TARDIS she's protecting is blocking her from, from regenerating and healing herself to the point where she has the stamina she used to, hell it's a surprise she managed as much regeneration energy as she has in her state," The man croaks, his throat becoming dryer by the second.

In the background, Sam speaks up. "Um I'm, I uh had a crash course on what to do in medical emergencies when I was in college, would I be able to help in any way?" The Doctor runs a calloused hand through his soft brown mop of hair and shakes his head gently.

"You can try, but the thing about Time Lords is that they have two hearts so whatever works on humans will work only half the amount." The Doctor pulls his hand from his hair and drags it down his tear-ridden face. Sam steps forward anyway and pushes The Doctor to the side gently, he kneels beside Y/N and starts CPR doubling the speed and number of pumps. He asks Dean to help, and Dean not really knowing what to do just sings 'Stayin' Alive' by the Bee Gees.

As Dean awkwardly sings the Bee Gees, Clara speaks up nervously. "Doctor, what did you mean by already sick?" The Doctor sighs tiredly.

"What I meant by that is she was and still is sick. It's a sort of sickness that only comes to Time Lords while other people are all right. It's called Immortale-obmoliri. what it does is, well, shuts down the main source of regeneration making it extremely hard to recover even after the smallest of injuries, and once you get it you can't get rid of it. Usually, the TARDIS would help with regenerations but obviously, since she's right next to the illness again it'll be extremely difficult to help.

Which is why Y/N is the one to stay behind and take care of the not-so-dangerous things as not y'know," The Doctor gulps. "get fatally hurt." Clara's mouth makes an O shape and she nods her head. Clara doesn't say anything more and starts walking down the TARDIS hall quickly fighting her urge to look back.

The 11th Doctor x Reader: Just A Little Life Left (SPN, DW crossover)Where stories live. Discover now